BUS 175 Fitchburg State University Business Law Project Worksheet

Case 12.1. Gardner-Denver is the largest manufacturer of ratchet wrenches and
their replacement parts in the United States. Gardner-Denver had two
different lists of prices for its wrenches and parts. Its blue list had parts
that, if purchased in quantities of five or more, were available for
substantially less than its white list prices. [D. E. Rogers Assoc., Inc. v.
Gardner-Denver Co., 718 F.2d 1431 (6th Cir.)]
2.2. Purport:
Intepretation (Times Romans Font—10-Points; single space)
(1) Read the
(2) Provide a
paragraph with
more than five
sentences (i.e., in
the section for
“Purport”) that
interprets the
theme of the
case, based on
concepts learned
in Chapters 1, 2,
[5], 7, 8, 11, or
(3) In at least
three sentences,
answer the
(Make sure you
justify your
answers with
learned concepts
of law.
2.3. Question 1: Did Gardner-Denver engage in price discrimination
with its two price lists?
2.4. Questions 2: Assuming that Gardner-Denver has engaged in price
discrimination, what law would be violated in such situation?
2.5. Questions 3: Which agency of the federal government is
responsible to investigate cases that may involve price
Business Law Case 2
(1) Read the
(2) Provide a
paragraph with
more than five
sentences (i.e., in
the section for
“Purport”) that
interprets the
theme of the
case, based on
concepts learned
in Chapters 1, 2,
5, 7, [8], 11, or
(3) In at least
three sentences,
answer the
(Make sure you
justify your
answers with
learned concepts
of law.
3.1 catherine Bosley worked as a television news anchor for
WKBN Channel 27 in Youngstown, Ohio. While on vacation
with her husband in Florida she participated in a “wet t-shirt”
contest, which was videotaped without her consent by
DreamGirls, Inc. and licensed to Marvad Corp., which runs a
Web site for adult entertainment through a subscription
service on the Internet. Marvad used depictions of her in
advertisements to promote the materials and services it
markets. Web site searches related to Catherine Bosley in
2004 were the most popular search on the World Wide Web.
Due to the publicity, she resigned from her position at WKBN.
Bosley sought an injunction against the defendants from using
her image in any manner that promotes the sale of their goods
or services. The defendants contend that an injunction would
violate their First Amendment rights. [Bosley v Wildwett.com,
310 F. Supp. 2d 914 (N.D. Ohio)]
3.2. Purport: Interpretation (Times Romans Font—10-Point; single
3.3. Question 1: What legal theory did Bosley rely on to seek the
3.4. Question 2: Would an injunction be in violation of the defendant’s
First Amendment’s rights?
3.5.Question 3: What would be a specific legal term used to describe a
violation you may have interpreted to occur in the Bosley’s case?
Business Law I: II–Case 3
4.1. Dr. Doyle E. Campbell, an ophthalmologist, established his
practice in southern Ohio in 1971. Many of Dr. Campbell’s
patients are elderly people who qualify for federal Medicare
benefits and state Medicaid benefits. Under the existing
financing system, a doctor who treats a Medicare patient is
required to submit a “Medicare Health Insurance Claim Form”
(HCFA Form 1500). The doctor is required to certify that “the
services shown on this form were medically indicated and
necessary for the health of the patient and were personally
rendered by me or were rendered incident to my professional
(1) Read the
service by my employees.” Claims Dr. Campbell submitted for
his elderly patients ranged from $900 to $950, of which $530 to
$680 were covered by the Medicare program. The government
(2) Provide a
alleged that Dr. Campbell billed Medicare for several treatments
paragraph with
that were either not performed or not necessary. [United States
more than five
v. Campbell, 845 F.2d 1374 (6th Cir.)]
sentences (i.e.,
in the section
for “Purport”)
that interprets
the theme of the
case, based on
concepts learned
in Chapters 1, 2,
5, [7], 8, 11, or
(3) In at least
three sentences,
answer the
(Make sure you
justify your
answers with
learned concepts
of law.
4.2. Purport: Interpretation (Times Romans Font—10-Points; single
4.3. Question 1: What was the specific violation committed by Dr.
Doyle E. Campbell?
4.4. Question 2: If Dr. Campbell were to be held legally liable, would
his case be heard in what court and in what jurisdiction?
4.5. Question 3: Against who has the violation taken place?

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