Bowie State University Criminalistics Acid Phosphate Test Essay

Criminalistics I Writing Assignment InstructionsThere are four required Criminalistics I writing assignments. They can be categorized as
a: 1) General Forensic Topics, 2) Scientific Forensic Topics, 3) Serial or Mass Killer
Examination of Physical Evidence, and 4) Your Personal Crime Scene. We will discuss
these assignments during the first class. The writing assignments are graded in four areas:
format (5), syntax (5), length (5), and content (10) for a maximum of 25 points. Each
writing assignment is required to be three pages of text without pictures, charts, lists, or
quotes exceeding 2 lines. If the assignment is not a complete three pages, your grade for
the assignment is “0”.
Your writing assignments will be in Times New Roman 12 with 1” margins. In addition
to the 3 pages of text, papers will include a title page, references and can include
attachments that add to your text. No less than 3 references are required. Of the 3
references, no more than 2 can be from the internet and the course text cannot satisfy
this reference requirement. You may include charts, pictures, or lists but they do not
count towards your three pages of text. For cite references use APA format. The
Instructor will keep a copy of the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed. in the laboratory for
your use. For some students, this paper may be your first experience preparing a high
quality professional document. Starting this project as soon as it is assigned will help the
quality of it significantly and avoid undue stress and panic near the completion date.
Take the time to proofread these assignments.
You are being provided with a sample title page to use for your assignments. Each
assignment must printed, stapled and turned in at the beginning of class on its due date. I
will not accept late assignments. Each of your first three assignments must also be
emailed to me at to be run through plagiarism software, so
please do your own work. If you are repeating the class, you may not use prior writing
assignments for credit in this class. Plagiarism or submitting papers from other classes
will result in an immediate “F” for the course.
Each of you is given the opportunity to earn an “A” on your first writing assignment by
reviewing it with your lab assistant and completing the corrections before your review
date. By accomplishing this task, you will have a great guideline for your other three
writing assignments.
Writing Assignments account for 15% of your total grade in this class.
Forensic Pathology
A writing assignment submitted to Professor P. Newsome in partial
completion of the requirements for CRJU – 403.101
Submitted by Mr. Carlos Townsend
February 4, 2019

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