Blue Mountain College Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Questions

Research Question : Does Cognitive behavioral therapy decrease forgetfulness among patients with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease?

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Research hypothesis : Cognitive behavioral therapy do decreases forgetfulness among patients with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Independent Variable : Treatment (cognitive behavioral therapy vs no therapy)

Dependent variable : Forgetfulness

  • This assignment should be 3-5 pages (not including the title page and reference list).
  • The work should be typed with 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and single spaced.
  • Please pay attention to writing quality, organization, grammar, spelling, and APA citation formatting.
  • Based on the articles below using only 10, please assist me in writing a Literature review paper. All writing must focus on the research question. Does Cognitive behavioral therapy decrease forgetfulness among patients with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease?

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    FYI – A literature review is a summary of exiting research about a particular topic. It is usually organized so that the narrative includes both a summary of the research and synthesis of all of the studies.  The summary recaps the important information of the source, and a synthesis is a re-organization of the information of multiple sources.  Often times similarities and differences among the studies are pointed out; or pointed differences in results are discussed.  Make sure you discussion is related to your research question.

    The literature review will combine all 10 articles. Provide a summary and synthesis of the information of each article

    The literature review should reflect your skills in literature searching, writing organization, and critical analysis and synthesis of information.

    You must also provide an introductory paragraph as well as a concluding paragraph discussing the implications for social work practice.

    Work with references provided. These are peer reviewed and all within the last 10 years.


    Anderson, H. S., Kluding, P. M., Gajewski, B. J., Donnelly, J. E., & Burns, J. M. (2011). Reliability of Peak Treadmill Exercise Tests in Mild Alzheimer Disease. International Journal of Neuroscience, 121(8), 450–456. DOI: 10.3109/00207454.2011.574762

    Berwald, S., Roche, M., Adelman, S., Mukadam, N., & Livingston, G. (2016). Black African and Caribbean British communities’ perceptions of memory problems: ‘We don’t do dementia’. PLoS ONE, 11(4). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0151878

    Cheong, Kenny, Fisher, Paul, Goh, Jenny, Ng, Lynette, Koh, Hui Mien, and Yap, Philip. “Advance Care Planning in People with Early Cognitive Impairment.” BMJ supportive & palliative care 5, no. 1 (March 2015): 63–69. DOI: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2014-000648

    Cooper, C., Bebbington, P., Lindesay, J.E., Meltzer, H., McManus, S., Jenkins, R., & Livingston, G. (2011). The meaning of reporting forgetfulness: a cross-sectional study of adults in the English 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey. Age and ageing, 40 6, 711-7 DOI:


    Forstmeier, S., Maercker, A., Savaskan, E., & Roth, T. (2015). Cognitive behavioral treatment for mild Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers (CBTAC): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 16, 526. DOI:10.1186/s13063-015-1043-0

    Hildebrandt, H., Haldenwanger, A., & Eling, P. (2009). False recognition correlates with amyloid-?1–42 but not with total tau in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 16(1), 157–165. DOI: 10.1159/000235643

    Lee, S. D., Ong, B., Pike, K. E., & Kinsella, G. J. (2018). Prospective memory and subjective memory decline: A neuropsychological indicator of memory difficulties in community-dwelling older people. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Neuropsychology, 40(2), 183–197. DOI: 13803395.2017.1326465

    Kabeshita, Y., Adachi, H., Matsushita, M., Kanemoto, H., Sato, S., Suzuki, Y., … Yokoyama, K. (2017). Sleep disturbances are key symptoms of very early stage Alzheimer disease with behavioral and psychological symptoms: a Japan multi-center cross-sectional study (J-BIRD). International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32(2), 222–230. DOI: 10.1002/gps.4470

    Robinson, P., Giorgi, B., & Ekman, S.-L. (2012). The Lived Experience of Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease: A Three-Year Longitudinal Phenomenological Case Study. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 43(2), 216–238. DOI: 10.1163/15691624-12341236

    Sebastian, M. V., Menor, J., & Elosua, R. (2001). Patterns of errors in short-term forgetting in AD and ageing. Memory, 9(4–6), 223–231. DOI: 10.1080/09658210143000038

    Yang, H., Cheng, Z., Li, Z., Jiang, Y., Zhao, J., Wu, Y., … Xu, H. (2019). Validation study of the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale for people with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease in Chinese communities. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34(11), 1658–1666. DOI: 10.1002/gps.5179

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