
1. Consider the following information. Chimpanzees have a tibia (shin bone), whose upper end is “T” shaped, as it does not have to support their entire body weight. The “T” shaped tibia is an ancestral characteristic shared by most primates. Humans and members of the genus Australopithecus, a fossil primate, have a “Y” shape to the upper tibia, capable of supporting the full body weight, and evidence of bidpedalism. The “Y” shaped tibia is a recent evolutionary adaptation, or a derived trait. Additionally, Australopithecus shares an ancestral small cranium with chimps and gorillas, while humans have a derived large cranium. You design a phylogenetic tree based on the information describe above. What type of approach have you employed in your classification scheme?

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a) Traditional approach.

b) Cladistic approach.

2. A hookworm is an intestinal worm that attaches to the lining of the intestine of its host and sucks body fluids. What term best describes the symbiotic relationship between the hookworm and its host?

a) Mutualism.

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b) Commensalism.

c) Parasitism.

3. The purpose of the science of classification is to :

a) Establish evolutionary relationships between organisms.

b) Organize organisms according to similarities and differences.

4. Look at the classification scheme below. It shows that groups N and O have G as a common ancestor. What term best describes the relationship between N, O, and G?

a) They form a monophyletic group.

b) They form a polyphyletic group

5. Who is considered the “father” of classification?

a) Darwin.

b) Watson.

c) Linnaeus.

d) Lamark.

e) Cuvier.

6. Which choice lists the Linnaean taxons in the correct order from least specific to most specific?

a) Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.

b) Kingdom, genus, phylum, class, order, family , species.

c) Kingdom, phylum, order, class, family, genus, species.

d) Kingdom, phylum, class, family, order, genus, species.

7. The red fox is classified in the following taxons (listed in no particular order): Kingdom Metazoa, Class Mammalia, Family Canidae, Genus Vulpes, Phylum Chordata, Order Carnivora, Species vulpes. What is the scientific name of the red fox?

a) Canidae Chordata.

b) Canis lupus.

c) Vulpes vulpes.

d) Carnivora vulpes.

e) Chordata Chordata.

8. Prokaryotic organisms are not found in which Domain?

a) Eubacteria.

b) Archaea.

c) Eukarya.

9. Rod shaped bacteria are called:

a) Bacilli.

b) Spirilla.

c) Streptococci.

d) Vibrio.

10. Which Eubacteria have a thick layer of peptidoglycans in their cell wall?

a) Gram positive bacteria.

b) Gram negative bacteria.

11. The methane producing prokaryotes that live in your intestines and are responsible for flatulence belong to which Domain?

a) Eubacteria.
b) Archaea.
c) Eukarya.

12. Which characteristic is not true of the Archaea?

a) All members of the Archaea are prokaryotes.

b) They have plasma membrane phospholipids that are identical to the Eubacteria.

c) Many are extremeophiles that tolerate hostile environments.

d) They are more closely related to Eukarya than they are to Eubacteria.

13. What term best describes the following organism: the so-called blue-green algae, they are photosynthetic bacteria; producing oxygen, they contain sheets of plasma membranes that contain photosystems; they utilize chlorophyll-a; just like plants; but contain phycolibin pigments that are not found in plant chloroplasts; form heterocysts that are nitrogen fixing; form akinetes (spores); and heterocysts (N-fixing cells); some have separation discs (hormonogonia) that cause filaments to fragment (dispersal); Prochloronta a subclade that is ancestral to plant chloroplasts?

a) Methanogen.

b) Spirochaeta.

c) Enteric bacteria.

d) Extreme halophile.

e) Cyanobacteria.

14. What statement is not true of viruses?

a) They have a capsid of protein and core of DNA or RNA.

b) An infected cell replicates viruses and is killed when it does so.

c) Viruses readily mutate which is why we get colds and flu so frequently.

d) Viruses are considered organisms with all the characteristics of life associated with prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.

e) Mark e if all statements are true.

15. What statement is true of prions?

a) Prions are produced by viruses.

b) Prion diseases can be prevented by cooking your meat.

c) Prions are abnormally shaped proteins that cause spongiform encephalopathies.

d) There are no prion diseases of humans, although there are several examples in animals.

16. What term best describes the following organisms: some with tetramembraneous chloroplasts, some with hairy flagellae, some with pseudopods; some with cuplike indentations in the cell membrane?

a) Excavata.

b) SAR.

c) Plantae.

d) Unikonta.

17. The term protista refers to :

a) A kingdom within the superkingom SAR.

b) A kingdom within the superkingdom Excavata.

c) It is a descriptive term or common name for unicellular, colonial, and some multicellular organisms that lack true tissues.

d) A phylum within the Kingdom Metazoa.

18. Which term best describes the following organism: a unicellular (single celled) eukaryote that has a single large mitochondrion, and causes Chagas disease or sleeping sickness.

a) Hypermastigophora.

b) Diplomonada.

c) Algae.

d) Trypanosoma.

e) Rhizopoda.

19. Which term does not describe a unicellular, photosynthetic, algae?

a) Apicomplexan.

b) Diatom.

c) Dinoflagllate.

d) Euglenoid.

20. What term best describes the following organism: a multicellular eukaryote with a chitinous cell wall that is an absorptive heterotroph?

a) Fungi.

b) Metazoa.

c) Plantae.

d) Excavata.

21. What term describes fungal hyphae that have two haploid nuclei in each of the cells?

a) Haploid.

b) Diploid.

c) Dikaryotic.

d) Triploid.

e) Polyploid.

22. The complete mass of fungal cell filaments that forms a fungus is called a:

a) Hypha.

b) Mycelium.

c) Spore.

23. What Division of fungi produce spores in sac-like structures, morels are an example, and many form cup-like structures in addition to the sac-like sporangia?

a) Zygomycota.

b) Ascomycota.

c) Basidiomycota.

24. A lichen is best described as:

a) A plant.

b) A fungus.

c) An alga.

d) A symbiotic relationship between algae or cyanophyta; and fungi.

25. The Oomycota and slime molds are members of the Kingdom Fungi.

a) True.

b) False.

26. Into which taxon would you classify the following organism: a multicellular eukaryote, with a cellulose cell wall, that is photosynthetic, and has a number of tissues?

a) Excavata.
b) SAR.

c) Metazoa.

d) Plantae.

27. Which statement is not true of plant alternation of generations?

a) A gametophyte makes gametes.

b) A sporophyte is 2n.

c) A spore fuses with another spore to form a diploid zygote.

d) A spore is haploid (n).

28. Which tissue is considered a “dead” tissue lacking cytoplasm, cell membranes, nuclei, and other cellular organelles, and is responsible for transpiration of water from roots to leaves?

a) Xylem.

b) Phloem.

29. In phloem, which cells actually translocate sugars?

a) Sieve elements.

b) Companion cells.

30. Which of the following is not required for transpiration of water through xylem?

a) Root pressure.

b) ATP.

c) Evaporative pressure.

d) Capillary action.

31. Which of the following is not required for the translocation of sugars through phloem?

a) Sugars are loaded at a “source” such as leaves.

b) Sugars are unloaded at a “sink” such as the root.

c) ATP.

d) Evaporative pressure.

32. Which statement is true of Bryophytes, the mosses?

a) They are seed producers.

b) They are vascular, i.e. have xylem and phloem.

c) They require water for fertilization.

d) They are sporophyte dominant.

33. Which statement is true of Pterophytans, the ferns?

a) They are seed producers.

b) They require water for fertilization.

c) They are avascular, i.e. they lack xylem and phloem.

d) They are gametophyte dominant.

34. Which statement is true of Conifers?

a) They are seed producers.
b) They require water for fertilization.
c) They are avascular, i.e. they lack xylem and phloem.
d) They are gametophyte dominant.

35. The endosperm of a Conifer seed is:

a) Haploid (n).

b) Diploid (2n).

c) Triploid (3n).

d) Tetraploid (4n).

36. Which statement is not true of a seed?

a) It contains an embryonic sporophyte plant.

b) Endosperm provides nutrition to the developing embryo, hopefully until the embryo can photosynthesize for itself.

c) Seed coats protect the embryo and endosperm.

d) Seeds are collected by many animals, and help in the spread of seed plants.

e) All plants produce seeds.

37. In the Anthophyta, the plant seed coat is 2n, and the embryo is 2n. Are they genetically identical?

a) Yes.

b) No.

38. Which of the following is the female reproductive organ in a flower?

a) Petal.

b) Stamen.

c) Pistil.

d) Anther.

e) Receptacle.

39. If a plant has both male and female reproductive organs it is:

a) Monoecious.

b) Dioecious.

40. Ovules are found within what part of a flower?

a) Ovary.

b) Stigma.

c) Style.

d) Anther.

e) Corolla.

41. If a plant has netted veins in its leaf, four stamens in its flower, and a taproot, it is probably in what class of flowering plants?

a) Monocotyledonae (Monocots).

b) Dicotyledonae (Dicots).

42. Which Plant Division has seeds with a 3n endosperm due to double fertilization?

a) Pterophyta.

b) Coniferophyta.

c) Anthophyta.

d) Bryophyta.

43. Which Plant Division uses pollinators like bees, butterflies, moths, ants, beetles, hummingbirds, and bats?

a) Pterophyta.

b) Anthophyta.

c) Coniferophyta.

d) Bryophyta.

44. How many seeds develop from each ovule?

a) One.

b) Two.

c) Three.

d) Four.

45. Which of the following is not a fruit?

a) Banana.

b) Tomato.

c) Zucchini.

d) Cabbage.

46. Which animal phylum is characterized by a lack of symmetry (asymmetrical), and a “skeleton” composed of spicules and sometimes a protein called spongin?

a) Cnidaria.

b) Annelida.

c) Chordata

d) Porifera.

e) Mollusca

47. Corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish are members of which phylum?

a) Porifera.

b) Cnidaria.

c) Annelida.

d) Chordata

e) Mollusca

48. A jellyfish has what type of body form?

a) Medusa.

b) Polyp.

49. Which of the following lacks a digestive tract?

a) A shark.

b) A tapeworm.

c) A snail.

d) An earthworm.

50. The parasitic worms, Trichinella, Enterobius (pinworms), and Ascaris are all members of what animal phylum?

a) Annelida.

b) Arthropoda.

c) Nematoda.

d) Platyhelminthes.

e) Mollusca.

51. Which statement is not true of a tapeworm?

a) The scolex has suckers and hooks that attach the worm to the intestinal lining.

b) It is in the Phylum Platyhelminthes.

c) It is more closely related to an earthworm than it is to a fluke (trematode).

d) Proglottids are reproductive units.

e) To rid oneself of a tapeworm the scolex must be destroyed or dislodged and evacuated from the intestine.

52. Members of what animal phylum lack segmentation and have a radula, mantle, visceral mass, and muscular foot?

a) Platyhelminthes.

b) Arthropoda.
c) Annelida.

d) Mollusca.

e) Chordata.

53. Which term best describes a crab or lobster?

a) Gastropoda.

b) Polychaete.

c) Arachnid.

d) Crustacean.

e) Reptile.

54. Which statement is not true of endothermic animals?

a) They regulate body temperature through behavioral mechanisms–moving into the sun or shade as needed.

b) They are considered “warm blooded”.

c) They regulate their body temperature by physiological mechanisms–shivering, sweat, etc.

d) Humans and other mammals are endothermic.

55. Which of the following is not in the phylum Chordata?

a) Amphibia.

b) Reptila.

c) Osteichthyes.

d) Cephalopoda.

e) Aves.

56. Members of which animal phylum have a true coelom (body cavity)?

a) Porifera.

b) Echinoderms.

c) Cnidaria.

d) Ctenophores.

57. Which of the following is not in the phylum Arthropoda?

a) Insect.

b) Crab.

c) Clam.

d) Spider.

e) Scorpion.

58. Insects belong to which animal Phylum?

a) Echinodermata.

b) Annelida.

c) Arthropoda.

d) Reptilia.

e) Chordata.

59. To which of the following is a salamander most closely related?

a) Lizard.

b) Snake.

c) Shark.

d) Toad.

e) Mole.

60. Vertebrates are most closely related to:

a) Cephalopods.

b) Tunicates/Sea squirts.

c) Insects.

d) Earthworms.

e) Jellyfish.

61. What is not true of deuterostomates?

a) The mouth forms from the blastopore.

b) Triploblastic.

c) Open digestive system.

d) Eucoelomic.

e) Mark e if all statements are true.

62. What is a snake’s closest relative?

a) Tuatara.

b) Turtle.

c) Salamander.

d) Crocodile.

e) Lizard.

63. Which of the following is not considered a Chelicerate?

a) Ticks.

b) Spiders.

c) Lobsters.

d) Scorpions.

64. Which statement is not true?

a) Birds and mammals are ectothermic.

b) Australia separated from Pangaea before true placentals (eutherians) evolved.

c) Dogs, cats, and bears are all members of the Order Carnivora.

d) Bats are members of the Order Chiroptera.

65. Which statement is not true?

a) Fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals are all members of the Subphylum Vertebrata.

b) Reptiles, birds, and some mammals produce amniote eggs.

c) Reptiles are better adapted for life on land than amphibians.

d) Whales are members of the mammalian Order Cetacea.

e) Mark e if all statements are true.

1. Consider the following hypothetical population and compute the statistical measures below: #births = 50,000; #deaths = 10,000; #immigrants = 5,000; #emigrants = 20,000; mid-year population = 1,000,000. Show formulas and all relevant work. (12pts)

BR =

DR =


DT =

Adjusted (True) Growth Rate =

Adjusted (True) Doubling Time =

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