In this module, you will write one blog post on a current event that deals with one of the learning objectives of the module for this week. The information for the blog can be from newspapers, magazines, research papers, etc. In addition to writing one blog post, you will also read and comment on one of your peers’ blogs
You are encouraged to use images and videos to enhance your blog
Chapter 9: Ocean CirculationChapter 9: Ocean Circulation9.1 Surface Gyres9.2 The Gulf Stream9.3 The Ekman Spiral and Geostrophic Flow9.4 Western Intensification9.5 Currents, Upwelling and Downwelling9.6 El Niño and La Niña9.7 Langmuir Circulation9.8 Thermohaline CirculationChapter 9 Review QuestionsChapter 10: WavesChapter 10: Waves10.1 Wave Basics10.2 Waves at Sea10.3 Waves on the Shore10.4 TsunamisChapter 10 Review QuestionsWatch the following videos paying close attention because the videos will simplify some of the concepts for you and enhance your comprehension. 1. Title: How Do Oceans Circulate? Crash Course Geography #9 (11:02 mins)CrashCourse. (2021, Mar. 1). How Do Oceans Circulate? Crash Course Geography #9 [Video file].2. Title: The gulf stream explained (5:04 mins)Kurzgesagt –(2013, Oct. 11). In a Nutshell The gulf stream explained3. Title: El Niño and La Niña Explainedusoceangov. (2016, Oct. 11). El Niño and La Niña ExplainedTitle: How are Ocean Waves Formed? (5:15 mins)The New York Times. (2018, May. 8). How are Ocean Waves Formed? [Video file]. 5. Title: Ocean Energy – Tidal Current Turbine (5:04 mins)Ideas for the Green Planet. Ideas for the Green Planet. (2009 Jun. 23). Ocean Energy – Tidal Current Turbine [Video file].