BBA 3651-18T-3A20-S3, Leadership What is team development?


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For this assignment, you will use the following case study.

Vandaveer, V. V. (2012). Dyadic team development across cultures: A case study. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64(4), 279–294. Retrieved from…

Given this scenario, include the following topics:

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Explain how culture can affect perceptions of team members in a group.

Discuss strategies for working with leaders or team members who originate from a different culture than you.

Expound on the significance of using the best type of verbiage to communicate with other members of a team in order to prove successful in task completion.

Share the benefits of connecting with humor to build team camaraderie.

Explain how personality traits, social factors, and styles of leadership can affect the competence and loyalty of a team member.

Determine the different career options an employee might consider when having trouble working with a cohort or leader of a department.

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