BB115005S Introduction to Accounting and Finance: New Footwear Product


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Assignment Brief Semester 1 2011/12




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You have developed a footwear product, which you believe could revolutionize the footwear market.

Following on from the Dragon’s Den success of Levi Root’s Reggae Reggae Sauce – (search the internet if you are unfamiliar with this story), you have decided to make a pitch to a small group of potential investors.

You know that any potential investor will expect you to have a good knowledge of how much your product will cost to produce and also of the expected level of sales and profit your product is predicted to make.



  1. Provide a list of the assumptions upon which you are basing your revenue and cost figures.                                                                                       5 marks
  2. Prepare a marginal costing cost statement for your product on a ‘per unit’ and 12 months sales/production basis.                                                     10 marks
  3. Produce a break-even analysis (table and graph) for your product based on 12 months activity                                                                                15 marks
  4. Produce the following financial documents for the first 12 months of trading:
  5. Cash Budget                                                                              20 marksForecast Income Statement                                                       10 marksForecast Balance Sheet                                                              10 marks

  6. Write a 1,000 word ‘pitch’ explaining the costing and financial data from tasks 1-4 above, to your potential investors.                                                30 marks

Total 100 marks


2744 Words

10 Sources

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