Baber Makayla17

Due September 16

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Constitutional Evolution Paper Information

Overview: For this assignment for you must select one area of the constitution (an article, section, power, amendment, etc.) and discuss how it has changed over the last 200 years. You must include at least four (4) sources and the assignment must be between 1000-1250 words.

Research Steps:

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1. Select an area of change: You could go in any number of directions. For example, you could look at how the amendments in the Bill of Rights have changed and evolved. You could look at how the balance of power between Congress, the Presidency, and the Courts has shifted with regards to a specific power (declaring war, judging constitutionality, etc.). You could look at how other areas of the Constitution have changed (Article IV, full faith and credit clause, etc.). The possibilities are limitless.

2. Research how your area has changed. Once you have selected your area of focus, you should start researching how it has changed. In order to do this you must do historical research as well as possibly analyzing current events. You should search for articles or books written by Constitutional scholars and/or historians in order to get the best information. Supreme Court cases may also uncover interesting developments for your research. Be wary of personal blogs or unsubstantiated websites that claim to offer expert advice on the Constitution.

3. Start writing. The assignment is a three-part piece. The first part of the paper should focus on what your area of change is and set things up by writing about the original intent or usage of the power. The second part of the paper will analyze how your area has changed over time and what caused it to change over time. The third, and final, section can be opinionate in which you discuss whether the changes have been for the better or worse.

4. Write properly. There are four (4) sources required for this writing assignment. Please make sure to follow proper MLA citation guidelines that are posted on Moodle as well as the MLA citation form.

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