At the monthly meeting, one of your coworkers stated (answer attached)

At the monthly meeting, one of your coworkers stated that “Using the right analysis tool will compensate for inexperienced managers.” How would you reply to your coworker? Consider the following items in your discussion: Do the tools help only in certain situations such as routine, daily or rather mundane decisions, like cost controls, quality controls or staffing questions (in term of number of people needed)? Do tools help the finance or accounting arms of a company more so than operations managers? What happens if the data entered is wrong? Analytical tools suffer from the GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) weaknesses, and thus an analysis based on these numbers can be flawed. Can the software and tools replace experienced and seasoned managers? Do computers really think? Do they learn from their mistakes? Can they manipulate or change their environment? Objective: Apply the appropriate operations tools to aid in decision-making and optimize performance. Use effective communication techniques.

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