Need to use a minimum of 5 sources in which 3 of the sources need to be primary sources. Our main goal of is to help students understand the evidence that supports our knowledge of pathophysiology. I will provide all sources, must be in APA style and directions. please let me know if you have any questions. Come up with a research question by looking at all referecnes and create a research short review based on the topic Dendritic Cells and Cancer Immunity
Here are the source links.
4. Format
This literature review is supposed to be fun, in the sense that you will be answering a specific question that you have. At the same, it is an exercise in
scientific writing, and thus needs to follow a specific format and style. The review will consist of a discussion post (not a powerpoint or word document; it’s
a post just like those we use for discussion). There is not word limit, but make efforts to be clear and concise.
• Title. Your post needs to be titled appropriately.
• The presentation needs to include the following sections:
1. Introduction/ Overview. In this section, students need to explain the background necessary to understand the research question. Topics that are
less obviously connected to the content covered in class will probably require more background.
2. Research question. This is a description of the research question. This is your research question. What is your review trying to address?
3. Description of each of three primary sources findings. Explain the methods and a main finding. It needs to include at least one picture, table or
graph for each primary source. You don’t need to explain everything about a paper. You will need to select what you want to present. Your goal is to
teach about its main finding, not to explain all findings.
4. Interpretation/ possible implications. Based on the background and results, what is the key message of the article? You can discuss each paper
separately, but you still need to circle around and comment on how these papers helped you answer your research question.
5. Limitations. Are there any limitations? What are some limitations that you see in each of the primary source? Do the existing studies allow you to
answer your research question? Or are there limitations?
6. References. You need to include at least 5 references regarding any bibliographic sources cited, including for the pictures.
7. Test. Prepare at least one question to test your readers’ understanding of your session. It can be a multiple-choice or short answer question.