assingment unit 9.class 504


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Assignment Details

Evaluating Organizational Change


This Assignment provides an overview of how to evaluate evidence-based practice quality improvement in a practice change.

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1. Introduce an overview of a healthcare system practice guideline, preferably where you work or have worked.

2. Discuss how different professionals in the healthcare system (nurses, pharmacists, technicians, etc.) are held to this guideline.

3. Identify the research/reference used by the system to adopt the guideline.

4. Define the evidence used to define the guideline.

5. Determine the level of evidence used in the EBP identified.

6. Provide an opinion on how well this guideline is followed by professionals in the system.

7. Conclude with a concise overview of the guideline and the discussion in the paper.

8. Write the paper in 8–10 pages, using APA format.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment 1 Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

· be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above)

· consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary;

· utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and

Your writing Assignment should:

· follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);

· be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;

· display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and;

· use APA 6th edition format

Assignment 504 class unit 9

This assignment is not based on your PICOT or a policy at your workplace. It should be based on an actual practice guideline; we discussed these at the last seminar. It needs to be a practice guideline that is based on research evidence in order to address the elements in the directions. If you have any questions about the suitability of what you have in mind, visit

 and see other practice guidelines.

Most nurses are aware of their institution’s policy and procedure for providing patient care but not aware of the practice guideline they are based on. You might be better off going to

 and finding an actual practice guideline that could be used in your area of practice. That is the only way to address the key elements of this assignment


>Unit 5

2, under the rubric. Next enter scores (between


) into yellow cells only in column F.

1 2





Incomplete N/A N/A Complete 0 10% 0.00

Incomplete N/A N/A Complete 0 10% 0.00

Incomplete N/A N/A Complete 0 10% 0.00

Incomplete N/A N/A Complete 0


Incomplete N/A N/A Complete 0 15% 0.00

Incomplete N/A N/A Complete 0 10% 0.00

0 10% 0.00

0 10% 0.00


Final Score 0



Low High Low High






90 105


0 90 0

Instructions: Enter total points possible in cell C

1 0 4
Evaluating Organizational Change
Unsatisfacotry Satisfactory Average Excellent Score Weight Final Score
Introduce an overview of a healthcare system practice guideline, preferably where you work or have worked. Incomplete N/A Complete 10% 0.0
Discuss how different professionals in the healthcare system (nurses, pharmacists, technicians, etc.) are held to this guideline.
Identify the research/reference used by the system to adopt the guideline.
Define the evidence used to define the guideline.
Determine the level of evidence used in the EBP identified. 15%
Provide an opinion on how well this guideline is followed by professionals in the system.
Conclude with a concise overview of the guideline and the discussion in the paper.
Length Less than 7 pages 8 pages 9 pages 10 pages
Format/Style Did not follow APA format Major errors with APA formatting Text, title page, and references page follow APA guidelines . Minor references and grammar errors Text, title page and references page follow APA guidelines. No grammar, word usage or punctuation errors. Overall style is consistent with professional work.
Percentage 0.00%
Total available points = 150
Rubric Score Grade points
Low High
3.5 4.0 135 90
2.5 3.49 120 80% 89.99%
1.7 2.49 105 70% 79.99%
1.0 1.69 60% 69.99%
1.00 59.99%

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