Article Review: Coaching Philosophy

Choose 1
peer-reviewed journal article published within the past 5 years that focuses on coaching
philosophies, models, concepts, frameworks, etc. 

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SMGT 621

Article Review Assignment Instructions

You will complete 2
Article Review Assignments in this course. For each review, choose 1 peer-reviewed journal article published within the past 5 years that focuses on coaching philosophies, models, concepts, frameworks, etc. Then, compose a 2-page review of it. You may want to choose articles that you might also use for your
Coaching Philosophy Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment and
Coaching Philosophy Paper: Final Assignment. Each review must include 2 sections:

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1. A
summary of the article and

2. A critical
analysis of the article.

Your summary must include:

· The purpose of the article AND

· If applicable, a description of participants/sample, research design, methods, and results OR

· If applicable, an overview of the conceptual ideas proffered in the paper (if not an empirical study).

Your analysis must include:

· Opportunities for further research not already stated in the article.

· Application to your context of coaching, both philosophical and practical.

· Other original insight or criticism.

· Implications of the findings and/or concepts.

Please review the
Article Review Grading Rubric for further information.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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