Art analysis the Pete Beeman’s Pod at Portland Or

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This assignment asks you to closely analyze a work of art.  In addition to providing the basic information regarding your artwork, you will need to offer an in depth analysis of the work’s context, meaning and message, and compare your selection to at least one additional work of art. 

The link below is the work of art that I choose:

art 102/final project/audioguide

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This assignment asks you to closely analyze a work of art. The purpose of this assignment is for you to become an expert on your selected artwork. In addition to providing the basic information regarding your artwork, you will need to offer an in depth analysis of the work’s context, meaning and message, and compare your selection to at least one additional work of art.


You and your partner will prepare about a 4-6 minute conversation about a work of art that describes, analyzes, and interprets the piece in the context of art history. You will record your conversation and upload it to SoundCloud, along with images of your primary artwork, and comparison piece[s]. This project asks you and your partner to offer a close reading of a work of art by pointing out subtle details that might be missed during a first look at the work and by comparing your main example with appropriate image[s] from art history.

. To simplify this, at least one work of art MUST either be on view at PCC Rock Creek, or from a private collection, on view at a local gallery, or a personal work of art.
I will take 15 points off your final project if you do not follow this guideline

part 1/select an object + formal analysis

PART 1 DUE: Nov. 7 by 5:00 PM

Each partner will select and write a formal analysis about his or her chosen work of art independently, and will submit this portion of the assignment for individual assessment.

Selecting an Object

1. Choose an object either from either the permanent collection at PCC Rock Creek, or from a local gallery, private collection, etc. that you will be able to visit throughout the semester;
your memory of an object you have previously seen or a reproduction [print or digital] will NOT be acceptable

2. The object may be of any media [painting, sculpture, print, photography, mixed media, installation].

3. When choosing an object, keep in mind that your description of its physical characteristics will be an important part of your paper. Sculpture, three-dimensional installations, and non-objective imagery can be challenging to describe, but can make for extremely interesting visual analyses!

Formal Analysis

1. Based on your observation and analysis of an object, type a 2 page [approximate] formal analysis.

2. Information about writing a formal analysis can be found by following the LINKS tab on our MyPCC page.

3. Although your paper should include a brief description, a formal analysis differs in that it also considers how the object’s formal qualities [line, color, shape, brushstroke, spatial treatment, composition, etc.] work together to help the viewer better understand the object.

4. This paper relies on your visual analysis of the object [which serves as your primary text.] Use your skills to look closely, analyze what you see, and clearly communicate your visual perceptions.

5. For additional help getting started on Part I of the Final Project, please refer to the
Questions to Ask a Work of Art
handout, posted on MyPCC [under FILES, then ASSIGNMENTS].

6. Please send me your formal analysis via email by THURSDAY NOV. 7 BY 5:00 PM [email as a doc, docx, or pdf file only please; if you’re unsure, you can copy + paste your analysis into the body of an email]

part 2/record your audioguide

PART 2 DUE: Dec. 5 by 10:00 AM

1. Audioguides should be between 4-6 minutes in length and uploaded to the class SoundCloud page

2. Each group member has already written his or her formal analysis paper, so use your collective strengths as you develop the audioguide—you will just record audio about one person’s selection.

3. The conversational interpretation style used in the Smarthistory podcasts should serve as a general model for your audioguide—different from their approach; however, your group should prepare a general script of the ideas to be discussed. SEE:

4. Some ideas to consider:

a. What key points of your analysis would be most useful for a novice art viewer?

b. How will you draw the viewer’s attention to specific visual elements?

c. What details of the object should be described in most detail? How do they contribute to your main ideas?

d. Have you used specialized art historical concepts or vocabulary that must be defined or explained?

e. Did your group have diverging opinions about the object? Might the viewer benefit from hearing different sides of an issue or interpretation?

5. Developing the script will be the most challenging element of this assignment since you must rewrite your analysis to be more conversational in tone and more direct in communicating information about the object.


I’ll evaluate your analysis based on
of key terms used,
of information provided,
with which you present your conversation, and
attention to detail
during your discussion. Points will be taken away for not following directions and/or presenting an unprepared conversation.


1. ____ Is the artwork is viewable by you [and your partner] in person

2. ____ Is your conversation about 4-6 minutes and presented in an audioguide [MP3] format?

3. ____ Did you provide an
of the object discussed in your audioguide?

4. ____ Have you included your

5. ____ Did you
use key terms
from class/readings? Did you offer an
in depth analysis
of the work[s]? Did you present your information in an
manner? Did you
your primary piece with another artwork from art history?





Paper Analysis

One work of art that has caught my attention ever since I moved to Portland is the Pete Beeman’s
Pod, a sculpture in downtown Portland, Oregon. It is not secret that Portland is a unique, distinct city in its own many ways. I find Portland to be a community friendly, vibrant, artistic, free-spirited, hippie city. All those are reasons that led me to live in this wonderful place. [be sure to connect these feelings and sense you have of the city immediately back to Beeman’s work – be sure your reader/listener understands the connection you’re making]

is the short name [title?] used for
Pete Beeman Pod
(Wikipedia). It is located on Southwest 10th Avenue and West Burnside Street in downtown Portland. I have walked by there so many times and I take a few seconds every time to contemplate this piece of art. It may not be the most outstanding sculpture in the world, but to me I like its simplicity and its background story.

Inevitably, I had to research it and find out more about the secret behind this sculpture; why it was built; and what exactly it signifies.

Pete Beeman Pod
was built over a decade ago-in 2002. It is 14’ deep, 14’ wide, and 30’ high. It is composed to stainless steel, galvanized steel, titanium, silicone bronze, lead, and mechanics ( I find it pretty impressive that it is made out of all those materials, which probably means that it is a solid sculpture that will stand in the midst of downtown Portland for many years to come.

I also found out some cool facts after reading on its website (

): I discovered that when the hanging bronze counterweight is shoved, the vertical section swings back and forth. The upper and lower sections swing and flex in different rhythms, the lower part acting as a spring, affecting each other, eventually returning to rest in the vertical position ( So not only is the Pod artsy but it is also well engineered and designed. That also explains the plaque on the Pod which says “Representing the infrastructure, energy, and vibrancy of Portland, this sculpture is made complete when a passer-by gives the pendulum a push”.

Works Cited

“Pod (sculpture).” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 11 Dec. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

“Pod.” Pod. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

art 102/questions to ask a work of art

Visual Inventory

1. What do you see? What is going on? How would you describe this work to someone who is not able to see it?

2. Can you name or list objects, places and/or people in this work?

3. How would you describe shapes, spaces, colors, and textures in this artwork?

4. What interests you about this work? Is there a focus to the work? What would you remember most about this work?

5. Does this work remind you of something you have seen or experienced before?

How the Parts Work Together

1. What art materials, media, and techniques has the artist used in creating this work?

2. What are some dominant shapes, expressive forms, color schemes, and textures that carry the significance of this work of art?

3. Has the artist done anything special with the use of the elements of art (line, color, shape, texture, value)?

4. Is this work ordered? Does it have balance? Or is it chaotic or disturbing? What makes for the order or chaos? Would you use words such as ‘unity,’ ‘variety,’ ‘contrast,’ ‘balance,’ movement,’ or ‘rhythm’ to describe the formal characteristics of this work?

5. Is this work well executed? What evidence can you give to support quality of execution and technique? What gives the work its uniqueness?

Interpretation: Theme and Meaning

1. What is your general impression of this work? What do you suppose this work is about?

2. What did the artist want us to think about? Why did the artist create this work? What would you ‘title’ this work?

3. Do you think the artist has successfully gotten his/her message across?

4. Does the work evoke any feelings? How does it make you feel? What about the painting makes you feel the way you do — the theme, the use of color, shapes, or other techniques the artist used?

5. Has the artist used symbolism to convey meaning other than what you see in the painting? Would you want to know more about this work?


1. How successful is this work of art? What is some of the evidence for your judgment?

2. Does this work make you want to see more of this artist’s work? How does this work compare with other works by the same artist?

3. What is the importance of this work of art in the context of the other art that was being created at the same time?

4. If you could, would you like to own this work of art?

5. Would you want to learn what others have said about this work of art? Could you wait to make a final decision on this work until you had completed that kind of research?

art 102/rubric/formal analysis

FORMAL ANALYSIS DUE: 11-07 [by 5:00 PM]


Poor [1]

Average [2]

Good [3]

Excellent [4]


unorganized list of points; lacks a defined intro or conclusion

has clear intro; identifies some main points but lacks a sense of their relative importance; may not distinguish between major points and supporting details; includes much repetition or restatement, without development

clear introduction and summary at end; generally clear structure but may lack direction or progression; some points may not contribute to meaning or goal of paper; conclusion is merely a summary of points made or a repetition of intro.

organization shows reader
how to understand topic;
introduction contains an
idea, not just a
restatement of question;
main points well supported
by details; examples well
chosen; strong conclusion
that attemps to bring
ideas together.


The artwork is not identified; vocabulary is incorrect or ineffectively used to describe the artwork

The artwork is identified, but vocabulary is incorrect or ineffectively used to describe the artwork

The artwork is identified; vocabulary is mostly correct and used to describe the artwork somewhat effectively

The artwork is identified; vocabulary is used correctly to describe the artwork effectively and clearly


The relationship of different formal elements are ignored or incorrectly explained.

Focus given to specific formal element[s] without considering relationships between different components; mentions multiple formal elements but lacks developed discussion or analysis

Focus give to one or two formal elements with some consideration of relationships; includes some discussion of how elements aid viewer understanding

Focus two or more formal elements; clear explanation of relationship of different elements and how they contribute to viewer understanding

Interpretation and articulation of own ideas

merely restates course or reading assignment information

some attempt to convey own ideas but includes errors of fact, does not support ideas with concrete examples

some informed interpretation of the art or historical contexts but may include errors and lack visual or documentary support.

balanced treatment of observation and documentary evidence, leading to student’s own, informed interpretation of materials and concepts.

Writing Skills

lacks verbal competence

writing is basically correct; paper may contain several errors of spelling, punctuation, grammar; there is little variety in sentence structure.

generally clear writing with no serious errors or sloppy syntax; avoids excessive passive voice or convoluted sentence structure.

vigorous style, correct grammar and vocabulary; integrates visual description into discussion effectively; avoids over-use of jargon; presents an individual voice

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