Essay Exam Question:
Identify, explain and analyze 3 to 5 important demographic characteristics of the Hispanic (Latinos) or Hispanic of Mexican origin (Chicanos or Mexican Americans) populations
presentation slides on the Hispanic Population (Latinos)
presentation slides on Hispanics of Mexican Origin Population (Chicanos or Mexican Americans)
article on Hispanics
article on Non Whites
chapter 1 : Introducing Chicano LA
documentary on Hispanics in Washington
should be 5 to 7 paragraphs long
should be written in paragraph form
should have an introduction, body and conclusion
should reference only course sources/materials * No outside sources
What would a basic outline look like?
I) Introduction (1 paragraph)
Introduce the 3-5 demographic characteristics that you will be writing about
II) Body (3-5 paragraphs)
Explain each demographic characteristic using sources ( 1 paragraph for each demographic characteristic)
lll) Conclusion (1 paragraph)
Summarize or analyze (1 paragraph)