Anthropology The following assignment is intended to exercise your outlining skills. Read Chapter 1 of Anthropology the Human Challenge by: Haviland,Prins, Walrath, McBride, ( The Essence of Anthropology) and prepare a chapter ouline of Major section, Mi


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The following assignment is intended to exercise your outlining skills. Read Chapter 1 of Anthropology the Human Challenge by: Haviland,Prins, Walrath, McBride, ( The Essence of Anthropology) and prepare a chapter ouline of Major section, Minor section, and subsections (of one or mare paragraphs) with in the minor section. Use standard indented ouline format in which the Roman numerals ( I,II,III,ect.) repersent the Majoar sections, capital letters (A,B,C,etc.) represent minor sections (sub-categories of the mjor sections), a;nd Arabic numerals (1,2,3,etc.) represent sub-categories of the minor sections. In the book the chapters are set up as such: RED writing represents the “Headings”, GREEN writing represents the ” Sub-Headings”, and BLACK writing represents “Lesser-headings”. This categories should be set up as displayed in the book. “DO NOT CHANGE THE HEADINGS,SUB-HEADINGS-and LESSER SUB-HEADINGS WORDING!!!” There are eight major catergories in the chapter, for minor categories, and eight sub-categories of the minor categories. Be aware that not all of the major categories contain minor categories and not all of the minor categories have further subcategories.Please note that this is not and essay are any type of writing assignment I just need an outline for the chapter and it only has to be 2 pages. Please call me if this is not possible to complete.

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