Ancient Greece and Rome It is art project and I need 2 pages duble spaces and 3 resource.


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Ancient Greece and Rome

It is art project and I need 2 pages duble spaces and 3 resource.

The Middle Ages in Europe

Ten centuries from the fall of Rome to 1400, the beginning of the Renaissance are called the dark times.
But this is when Western Art found its footings. All systems for constructing architectural structures
were already created Almost all human activities were under the dogmatic rule of the Church.
Everything was for church use and everything was under church control.
Head of Constantine, made of marble, 312 ce, is an image of empirical majesty, the prominent nose
and chin undoubtedly reproduce Constantine’s distinctive features. But the overall style is far from
the naturalism of earlier Roman portraits. Exaggerated, stylized eyes stare out from geometric sockets
under an abstracted representation of hair, the eyes expressed inner spiritual life.

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-Catacombs-sacred burial areas where Romans would not pursue Christians.
The earliest Christian Art was simplified interpretation of Greco-Roman figure paintings. The emphasis was on storytelling
through images of Christ and other biblical features as well as through Christian symbols. The background was usually white
for better visibility in the dark tunnels with red and green lines dividing scenes. Lively and energetic figures were rendered in
quick brush strokes.

Christianity needed a fundamentally different kind of building, the one that could contain a lot
of people. As public gathering places for large groups Christians were using Roman basilica..
Basilica was basically a long rectangular hall. The long central nave ends in the apse, where
Christians placed the alter.

-Stylistic name, not historical period
-It means: “like Roman architecture”

In 5th century, the Roman Empire collapsed. Two forces influence art at
that time:
Barbarian – grotesque, mythological, supernatural images. Christian
Church – life after death, images of Jesus Christ’s was the most dominate
part of the images. The Madonna and Child was the most popular of
images. By the 8th century, these two elements begin to merge.

-Relief images were carved in portals (entry ways)
-Relief carvings in tympanum
Most of the art was created by monks and priests. Church sponsored the
creation of art in bronze, wood, copper, ivory, etc, but painting was the
most important art because it was cheaper and faster than other media. Wall
paintings were painted in decorative heavy lines – contour, which influenced
the art of stained glass later in the Gothic period. Gregorian chants and organ
music was enhanced by the acoustical properties of the vault architecture.

Art and architecture was heavy and not sophisticated. The massive nature of the work is the most recognizable feature of
Romanesque. The pointed arch opened the door to a new dominance style known as Gothic.

The art of early Christian was affected by controversy between those
who followed biblical prohibition against the making of images and
those who wanted pictures to help tell the sacred stories. The Byzantine
style was abstract and could not be confused with real persons like in
Roman paintings.

Artists of the eastern Orthodox faith sought to portray the symbolic
or mystical aspect of religious features rather than their physical
qualities. Small paintings are referred to as icons (image in Greek)
which are holy images that inspire devotion but are not worshipped in
themselves. This painting grew out of the mosaic and fresco traditions.
Andrei Rublev ( Russia) ,Trinity, icon, 14th-century


GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE – Mystical Gothic cathedral is the most famous
form of Catholic Church. The Gothic style was concerned with the devotion to
Paris was the center of Europe and the rebirth of intellectualism. In the 1100’s
the Gothic style spread all over Europe, where each country had variations on
the Gothic style
-the architecture was invented to influence and uplift the occupants

-a variation on the vault which allowed
for more upward motion, ribs and flying
exterior support structures on the outside
of the cathedrals which take the weight off
the walls allowing for more windows, They
also helped transfer the force of the wind on
these tall roofs down into the ground.

Rose window of Charters Cathedral .

176 large stained glass windows were incredible technical achieve-
ments and powerful symbols of heavenly radiance. These windows
filled the Gothic church with muted light. The rose window shape is
shaped like a blooming rose, which is a symbol of the blessed Mary,
mother of the savior Jesus. Charters Cathedral (Notre Dame de Char-
ters), 1134-1220, 40 miles SW of Paris.

The plan is symmetrical while the plan shape is a cross,
symbolizing the crucifixion. The interior design of the building also
emphasized the vertical line as a way to remind the worshippers of
Christ rising to Heaven and to remind them that God is above.

Gothic sculpture, unlike Greek and Roman sculpture, could not be walked
around because they were on columns or tombs. The sculptures represent
emotions such as agony (JC) or happiness (smiling saints) or horror of

The combination of buttresses. stained glass windows, sculptures and music
were used to make you feel like you had entered another world – one of
mysticism and mystery.

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