Analysis of the “American Red Cross Case

Develop an analysis of the “American Red Cross Case” (Case 18) provided in Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell (2013, pp. 485-493). (See the Case Analysis Guidelines and Rubric document for more detail.)

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Case Analysis Guidelines and Rubric

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Develop an analysis of the American Red Cross case (Case 18) provided in Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell

(2013, pp. 485-493). Guided by the questions listed at the end of the case, the analysis should reflect a

sophisticated understanding of the relevant concepts and theories related to ethical leadership in global


The essay should be supported by information from research-based publications, such as textbooks,

peer-reviewed journal articles, or other sources providing relevant guidance on the topic. Your essay

should clearly explain how the research informs your analysis. You may reference your textbooks for

this assignment, but the textbooks must not be the only sources you reference. The analysis should be

based on research or information from at least five credible sources—such as journal articles, books, or

other sources providing guidance on this topic—in addition to your textbooks.

While your analysis should address the case questions, it should be presented in essay format.

Summarize the case, explain the problems, and then suggest recommendations to address the

problems. Remember that you are a management scientist, not a casual observer. Scientists not only

report what they know; they also report how they know what they know. Your analysis should reflect

your ability to apply logic, critical thinking, and theoretical reasoning as you construct point-by-point,

evidence-based arguments to support your conclusions and recommendations.

Content Guidelines

Cases are intended to be mechanisms for you to demonstrate mastery of course concepts by describing

the applicable theories (in correct terminology) and providing an assessment of how the case situation

can be explained or better understood in light of each concept or theory. The result should be that both

the author and the reader have a better understanding of the theories and how they apply to the case.

Your analysis should be supported by your research of the concepts beyond what is covered in the

course textbooks. This research should assist you in understanding course concepts or case details and

constructing a detailed and well-reasoned response to the case.

Answering the case questions is necessary, but not sufficient, to earn a passing grade on this


You must demonstrate knowledge and analytical skills in the process. The best way to demonstrate

these skills is to include a clear explanation of the relevant theories, ideally in your own words. Merely

quoting your sources may leave the instructor wondering if you understand the material enough to

explain it to someone else.

Do not assume that your audience (the instructor) knows anything about the case subject or relevant

theory. If you make a brief statement that is not explained and supported with case evidence, the

instructor will have to assume that you don’t know enough to elaborate the point. Similarly, if you make

a short generalized statement, the instructor will have to assume that you only have a superficial

understanding of the concept and that you are unaware of the details and the specific situations to

which it does and does not apply.

Your answers should be clear enough for someone’s grandmother to understand, and persuasive

enough to convince a stubborn adversary. Treat these cases with the same rigor and approach as

research papers, with thoroughly documented evidence for each assertion that you make. Imagine that

the case responses are arguments in a court of law—tell the story and back it up with factual specifics

and quotes; leave out the details at your own risk.

Choose sources that are credible and directly relevant to the case; do not rely on quoting other people’s

opinions without your own explanation. Cite the source of all information that is not original to you.

Follow APA to document your sources. Thus, any analysis meeting the content guidelines will consist of

in-text citations and a reference page which includes the course textbooks as a source.

Formatting Guidelines

Your analysis should be typed and submitted in APA format by the due date assigned. The essay should

consist of in-text citations and a reference list. All of the sources mentioned in-text should be on the

reference list. There should be no sources on the reference list, which have not been mentioned in-text.

Format the essay using MSWord, 1” margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman, and 12-point font.

There is no minimum or maximum length. The essay should fully respond to the questions at the end of

the case, and it should consist of the following elements:

 A cover page and abstract

 An introduction which engages the reader, sets the tone for the essay, and describes the

problem or topic the essay will explore

 A clear thesis statement which states the purpose and focus of the essay

 A brief description of the case

 Responses to the questions

 References to at least five sources other than the course textbooks

 Headings to organize the flow of the essay

 A conclusion that summarizes and contextualizes the essay






Overall Content—Paper demonstrates

critical thinking; original ideas and insights;

demonstrates an understanding of the

assignment and comprehension of course



Introduction & Discussion of the Topic—

Presents the purpose and goals of the

paper and the problem the researcher is

investigating or analyzing. Sets a

professional tone for the essay. Includes a

thesis statement which explains the

purpose and the focus of the essay.


Clear Responses to Questions—Analysis

clearly responds to case questions.

Relevant theories, terms, and concepts are

provided to support responses.


Recommendations—Essay explains

recommendations to address the problems

or issues identified in the analysis.


Findings and Conclusions—Paper explains

the findings, conclusions, and results of the


Knowledge, Research, and Critical

Thinking—Discusses and defines key terms

and concepts and explains their relevance;

analyzes and integrates research to

support the analysis and conclusions.


References & APA—Essay is supported by

at least 5 reputable and credible sources, in

addition to the course textbooks. All

research is properly cited in-text and on

the reference page according to APA




follows APA: proper font, margins and

spacing, well-developed paragraphs, sound

logic, and effective organization using

headings. Written in clear, grammatical

English; few spelling or grammar errors

with sound structure in sentences and





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