AIU Bus311 unit 1-2 assignments

UNit 1 assignment

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In each of the assignments in this course, you will be dealing with the following scenario: American Intellectual Union (AIU) has assembled a team of researchers in the United States and around the world to study job satisfaction. Congratulations, you have been selected to participate in this massive global undertaking.

The study will require that you examine data, analyze the results, and share the results with groups of other researchers. Job satisfaction is important to companies large and small, and understanding it provides managers with insights into human behavior that can be used to strengthen the company’s bottom line.

The data set for the study is a sample of a survey conducted on the population of the American Intellectual Union (AIU). This session’s unique data set may be found in the LEARNING MATERIALS and it contains the following nine sections of data that will be used throughout our course:

    • Gender
    • Age
    • Department
    • Position
    • Tenure
    • Overall

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      Job Satisfaction

    • Intrinsic

      Job Satisfaction—Satisfaction with the actual performance of the job

    • Extrinsic

      Job Satisfaction—external to the job, for example, office location, your work colleagues, your own office (cubicle/hard walled office, etc),

    • Benefits—Health insurance, pension plan, vacation, sick days, etc.

In the first assignment you are to complete the following:

    • You will need to examine two of the nine sections of data:one section of qualitative data (choose either Gender or Position)one section of quantitative data (choose either Intrinsic or Extrinsic)
    • Each section should include all data points listed in the column for the variable. The requirements include:Identify the data you selected.Explain why the data was selected.Explain what was learned by examining these sets of data.Your analysis should include using Microsoft Excel to obtain information about the data through the use of three measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode).Your analysis should also include the use of two measures of variability (standard deviation and variance). Some measures are appropriate for qualitative data, and some are appropriate for quantitative data.If a measure is not applicable, then explain why.You will have to also provide one chart/graph for each of the results of the two processed sections of data (2 total), such as a pie or bar chart or a histogram. (A table is not a chart/graph.) Ensure that you label the chart/graph clearly.You will then need to discuss what you additionally learned from the results of this process.Explain why charts/graphs are important in conveying information in a visual format and why standard deviation and variation are important.

You will need to combine all of the items above into one comprehensive report. This report must be completed in Microsoft Word and should contain:

This assignment will be assessed using the rubric provided



Load the Data Analysis Toolpak by following

these instructions



      • Check out the Free Tutoring Available for BUSN311 students. You will need to sign up for the tutoring. Your instructor has the session-specific information. Don’t wait, tutoring appointments fill up quickly.
      • Beginning Statistics Lab. Presentations and Resources are Available 24/7. Synchronous Live Sessions and Office Hours are held during the session. Live Sessions are also recorded for viewing at your convenience. Your instructor has the session-specific information.
      • The tutors and the lab instructor are qualified faculty members.

Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA format using the attached


. Do NOT change the font, page breaks or margins. Using the template without deleting the headings ensures that you cover each segment of the assignment.


If you are taking this class for a second time, submission of past work involving the data sets will result in a zero for the assignment. Your answers will be wrong since you are working with adifferent
set of numbers.

If you procure old assignments from students or websites and use the data for your assignment, you will receive a zero because it is considered an egregious violation of the University’s academic integrity policy. The case will be referred to the Office of Academic Affairs and become part of your collegiate record. In certain circumstances, you may be awarded an F for the course.

The only way to succeed in this course is to complete the assignments using the current, dataset accessible through the


in Unit 1 on the assignment list. If you have a question or need clarification, please contact your instructor.


Unit2 – Individual Project

In each of the assignments in this course, you will be dealing with the following scenario: American Intellectual Union (AIU) has assembled a team of researchers in the United States and around the world to study job satisfaction. Congratulations, you have been selected to participate in this massive global undertaking.The study will require that you examine data, analyze the results, and share the results with groups of other researchers. Job satisfaction is important to companies large and small, and understanding it provides managers with insights into human behavior that can be used to strengthen the company’s bottom line.The data set for the study is a sample of a survey conducted on the population of the American Intellectual Union (AIU). This session’s unique data set may be found in the LEARNING MATERIALS and it contains the following nine sections of data that will be used throughout our course:GenderAgeDepartmentPositionTenureOverall Job SatisfactionIntrinsic Job Satisfaction—Satisfaction with the actual performance of the jobExtrinsic Job Satisfaction—external to the job, for example, office location, your work colleagues, your own office (cubicle/hard walled office, etc),Benefits—Health insurance, pension plan, vacation, sick days, etc.In the first assignment you are to complete the following:You will need to examine two of the nine sections of data:one section of qualitative data (choose either Gender or Position)one section of quantitative data (choose either Intrinsic or Extrinsic)Each section should include all data points listed in the column for the variable. The requirements include:Identify the data you selected.Explain why the data was selected.Explain what was learned by examining these sets of data.Your analysis should include using Microsoft Excel to obtain information about the data through the use of three measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode).Your analysis should also include the use of two measures of variability (standard deviation and variance). Some measures are appropriate for qualitative data, and some are appropriate for quantitative data.If a measure is not applicable, then explain why.You will have to also provide one chart/graph for each of the results of the two processed sections of data (2 total), such as a pie or bar chart or a histogram. (A table is not a chart/graph.) Ensure that you label the chart/graph clearly.You will then need to discuss what you additionally learned from the results of this process.Explain why charts/graphs are important in conveying information in a visual format and why standard deviation and variation are important.You will need to combine all of the items above into one comprehensive report. This report must be completed in Microsoft Word and should contain:This assignment will be assessed using the rubric providedhere. Load the Data Analysis Toolpak by followingthese instructions.NEED HELP?Check out the Free Tutoring Available for BUSN311 students. You will need to sign up for the tutoring. Your instructor has the session-specific information. Don’t wait, tutoring appointments fill up quickly.Beginning Statistics Lab. Presentations and Resources are Available 24/7. Synchronous Live Sessions and Office Hours are held during the session. Live Sessions are also recorded for viewing at your convenience. Your instructor has the session-specific information.The tutors and the lab instructor are qualified faculty members.Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA format using the attachedTemplate. Do NOT change the font, page breaks or margins. Using the template without deleting the headings ensures that you cover each segment of the assignment.

Unit3 – Individual Project

How Many People to Survey?

Gallup poll results are prevalent in the media especially leading up to elections as are reports on surveys done by universities and research groups like the Pew Research Center.

The survey results of small groups of people are used to portray a general consensus about a population. Ever wonder how many people should be included in a survey to make it a meaningful reflection of a population? Now you will be able to answer your own question. Be warned; you will never feel the same about these polls and surveys again.

Using the following specific resources, create a lecture (with citations) which includes the following:

Part 1: Survey Analysis

Entertainment SurveyUsing a newspaper article from AIU library’s full-text database: National Newspapers (Proquest), create a lecture (with citations) which includes the following:

  • Describe an entertainment poll or survey. Analyze the number of people who participated in the sample compared to the number in the population. Most news articles will not provide information on the number of people surveyed. In this case critique the validity of the results. (Be sure to cite the article which must be from National Newspapers -ProQuest) Here is aResearch Guide.
  • Discuss how the results of the survey can be used to tell a story or support an idea of the sponsoring company or media group.

Political SurveyUsing polls from one of the following sources:

Source 1

Source 2

  • Describe a political poll or survey. Analyze the number of people who participated in the sample compared to the number in the population.
  • Discuss how the results of the survey can be used to tell a story or support an idea of the sponsoring company or media group.

General SurveyUsing polls from one of the following sources:

Source 1Source 2

  • Describe a general opinion poll or survey. Analyze the number of people who participated in the sample compared to the number in the population.
  • Discuss how the results of the survey can be used to tell a story or support an idea of the sponsoring company or media group.


Consider the three surveys presented.

  • Using the knowledge you learned from the textbook, compare and contrast the sample sizes in each of the three surveys mentioned in the post and determine if the samples sizes are appropriate.
  • In your opinion, which appears to be the most valid? (Cite and reference the textbook)

This section of the paper will be 2-3 pages in length and each survey or poll described MUST come from AIU Library’s National Newspapers- ProQuest Database and Pew Research Center or Gallup.

Please do not use quotes or copy definitions. You will not receive credit for understanding the materials if you use the words of others. Keep in mind that since you did research and you have citations in the body of the post, you must also place a reference list at the end containing the textbook and the articles cited.

Part 2: ApplicationCreate your own 3 question Entertainment or using this

General Opinion Survey

or another free survey program or thislink. Secure a minimum of 20 responses. Your survey respondents may be friends, family or classmates. (NOTE: The small sample size was chosen for convenience and as you know is not a valid sample. The goal is for you to create, deploy and analyze a simple survey.)Create Excel charts of your results and describe those charts in words. (You will receive no credit for charts that are copied from the survey software.)

  • Include a copy of your survey
  • Provide charts of your results and describe those charts in words
  • Explain how the results of your survey can be used by a media group or company

This section of the paper will contain 1 page of text and 3 charts.

NEED HELP?Check out the Free Tutoring Available for BUSN311 students. You will need to sign up for the tutoring. Your instructor has the session-specific information. Don’t wait, tutoring appointments fill up quickly.Beginning Statistics Lab. Presentations and Resources are Available 24/7. Synchronous Live Sessions and Office Hours are held during the session. Live Sessions are also recorded for viewing at your convenience. Your instructor has the session-specific information.The tutors and the lab instructor are qualified faculty members.

Unit4 – Individual Project

Using AIU’s survey responses from the AIU data set, complete the following requirements in the form of a 2-page report:


Perform the following two-tailed hypothesis test, using a .05 significance level:

  • Intrinsic by Gender
  • State the null and an alternate statement for the test
  • Use Microsoft Excel (Data Analysis Tools) to process your data and run the appropriate test.
  • Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
  • Identify the significance level, the test statistic, and the critical value.
  • State whether you are rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis statement.
  • Explain how the results could be used by the manager of the company.


Perform the following two-tailed hypothesis test, using a .05 significance level:

  • Extrinsic variable by Position Type
  • State the null and an alternate statement for the testUse Microsoft Excel (Data Analysis Tools) to process your data and run the appropriate test.Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.Identify the significance level, the test statistic, and the critical value.State whether you are rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis statement.Explain how the results could be used by the manager of the company.

GENERAL ANALYSIS (Research Required)

Using your textbook or other appropriate college-level resources:

  • Explain when to use a t-test and when to use a z-test. Explore the differences.
  • Discuss why samples are used instead of populations.

The report should be well written and should flow well with no grammatical errors. It should include proper citation in APA formatting in both the in-text and reference pages and include a title page, be double-spaced, and in Times New Roman, 12-point font. APA formatting is necessary to ensure academic honesty.

Be sure to provide references in APA format for any resource you may use to support your answers.


Unit 5- Assignment


Using AIU’s survey responses from the AIU data set, complete the following requirements in the form of a 3-page report:

TEST #1: Regression Analysis- Benefits & Intrinsic

Perform the following Regression Analysis, using a .05 significance level

  • Run a regression analysis using the BENEFITS column of all data points in the AIU data set as the independent variable and the INTRINSIC job satisfaction column of all data points in the AIU data set as the dependent variable.Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
  • Create a graph with the trendline displayed the 3 regression.Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.

TEST #2: Regression Analysis- Benefits & Extrinsic

Perform the following Regression Analysis, using a .05 significance level

  • Run a regression analysis using the BENEFITS column of all data points in the AIU data set as the independent variable and the EXTRINSIC job satisfaction column of all data points in the AIU data set as the dependent variable.Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
  • Create a graph with the trendline displayed for the regression.Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.

TEST #3: Regression Analysis- Benefits & Overall Job Satisfaction

Perform the following Regression Analysis, using a .05 significance level

  • Run a regression analysis using the BENEFITS column of all data points in the AIU data set as the independent variable and the OVERALL job satisfaction column of all data points in the AIU data set as the dependent variable.Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
  • Create a graph with the trendline displayed for the regression.Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.

Overview of the Regressions

Complete the table with the following information:





Dependent Variable




  • State the slope and the y-intercept for the three regressions.
  • State the least squares regression line equations for the threes regressions.
  • State the R-squared value for each of the regressions.

Analysis of the Regressions

Make very specific comments and give reasons regarding any similarities or differences in the output results.

Which regression produces the strongest correlation coefficient result? Why? What does it mean to a manager?

 The report should be well written and should flow well with no grammatical errors. It should include proper citation in APA formatting in both the in-text and reference pages and include a title page, be double-spaced, and in Times New Roman, 12-point font. APA formatting is necessary to ensure academic honesty.

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