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 Worrell, W. A., Vesilind, P. A., & Ludwig, C. (2017). Solid waste engineering: A global perspective (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 

  • Course Syllabus
  • Course Description

    A study of the growing and increasingly intricate problems of controlling and processing the refuse created by urban society.
    Includes discussion of issues concerning regulations and legislation with major emphasis on solid waste engineering

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    Course Textbook(s)

    Worrell, W. A., Vesilind, P. A., & Ludwig, C. (2017). Solid waste engineering: A global perspective (3rd ed.). Boston, MA:
    Cengage Learning.

    Course Learning Outcomes

    Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

    1. Assess the fundamental science and engineering principles of solid waste management.
    2. Evaluate the evolution of technologies related to solid waste management.
    3. Assess the political environment as it relates to solid waste and solid waste management.
    4. Summarize laws and standards related to solid waste management.
    5. Describe best practices of solid waste management in an urban society.
    6. Relate leadership and management principles to effective solid waste management.
    7. Examine the impact of solid waste on human populations.
    8. Solve solid waste related problems through collaborative methods of problem solving.


    Upon completion of this course, the students will earn 3 hours of college credit.

    Course Structure

    1. Study Guide: Course units contain a Study Guide that provide students with the learning outcomes, unit lesson,
    required reading assignments, and supplemental resources.

    2. Learning Outcomes: Each unit contains Learning Outcomes that specify the measurable skills and knowledge
    students should gain upon completion of the unit.

    3. Unit Lesson: Unit Lessons, which are located in the Study Guide, discuss lesson material.
    4. Reading Assignments: Units contain Reading Assignments from one or more chapters from the textbook and/or

    outside resources.
    5. Suggested Reading: Suggested Readings are listed within the Study Guide. Students are encouraged to read the

    resources listed if the opportunity arises, but they will not be tested on their knowledge of the Suggested Readings.
    6. Learning Activities (Non-Graded): Non-Graded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of

    7. Discussion Boards: Discussion Boards are part of all CSU Term courses. More information and specifications can

    be found in the Student Resources link listed in the Course Menu bar.
    8. Unit Assignments: Students are required to submit for grading Unit Assignments. Specific information and

    instructions regarding these assignments are provided below. Grading rubrics are included with each assignment.
    Specific information about accessing these rubrics is provided below.

    9. Ask the Professor: This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or
    course content related questions.

    10. Student Break Room: This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates.

    MEE 5901, Advanced Solid
    Waste Management

  • MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management
  • 1

    CSU Online Library

    The CSU Online Library is available to support your courses and programs. The online library includes databases, journals,
    e-books, and research guides. These resources are always accessible and can be reached through the library webpage.
    To access the library, log into the myCSU Student Portal, and click on “CSU Online Library.” You can also access the CSU
    Online Library from the “My Library” button on the course menu for each course in Blackboard.

    The CSU Online Library offers several reference services. E-mail ( and telephone
    (1.877.268.8046) assistance is available Monday – Thursday from 8 am to 5 pm and Friday from 8 am to 3 pm. The library’s
    chat reference service, Ask a Librarian, is available 24/7; look for the chat box on the online library page.

    Librarians can help you develop your research plan or assist you in finding relevant, appropriate, and timely information.
    Reference requests can include customized keyword search strategies, links to articles, database help, and other services.

    Unit Assignments

    Unit I Assignment

    For this Assignment, you will complete the Unit I Assignment worksheet. This Assignment will allow you to demonstrate
    what you have learned in this unit.

    Click here to access the template for this Assignment. Save all of your work directly to the template, and submit it in
    Blackboard for grading.

    To assist you with the math required in this assignment, the CSU Math Center has created an example problem using the
    necessary formulas. Click here to access this example.

    Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

    Unit II Assignment

    For this Assignment, you will complete the Unit II Assignment worksheet. This Assignment will allow you to demonstrate
    what you have learned in this unit.

    Click here to access the template for this Assignment. Save all of your work directly to the template, and submit it in
    Blackboard for grading.
    To assist you with the math required in this assignment, the CSU Math Center has created an example problem using the
    necessary formulas. Click here to access this example.
    Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

    Unit III Assignment

    For this Assignment, you will complete the Unit III Assignment worksheet. This Assignment will allow you to demonstrate
    what you have learned in this unit.

    Click here to access the template for this Assignment. Save all of your work directly to the template, and submit it in
    Blackboard for grading.

    To assist you with the math required in this Assignment, the CSU Math Center has created example problems using the
    necessary formulas.

    Click here to access the example for question 1. This example contains a recorded lesson with audio. Click here for a
    transcript of this lesson.

    Click here to access the example for question 2. This example contains a recorded lesson with audio. Click here for a
    transcript of this lesson.

    Click here to access the example for question 3. This example contains a recorded lesson with audio. Click here for a
    transcript of this lesson.

    Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

    Unit IV Assignment

    For this Assignment, you will complete the Unit IV Assignment worksheet. This Assignment will allow you to demonstrate
    what you have learned in this unit.

    Click here to access the template for this Assignment. Save all of your work directly to the template, and submit it in
    Blackboard for grading.
    To assist you with the math required in this Assignment, the CSU Math Center has created example problems using the
    necessary formulas.

    MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management 2 x x x x

    Click here to access the example for question 2. This example contains a recorded lesson with audio. Click here for a
    transcript of this lesson.
    Click here to access the example for question 3. This example contains a recorded lesson with audio. Click here for a
    transcript of this lesson.
    Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

    Unit V Assignment

    For this Assignment, you will complete the Unit V Assignment worksheet. This Assignment will allow you to demonstrate
    what you have learned in this unit.

    Click here to access the template for this Assignment. Save all of your work directly to the template, and submit it in
    Blackboard for grading.

    To assist you with the math required in this Assignment, the CSU Math Center has created an example problem using the
    necessary formulas.

    Click here to access the example for question 2. This example contains a recorded lesson with audio. Click here for a
    transcript of this lesson.
    Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

    Unit VI Scholarly Activity

    A local municipality expects to close its landfill in one year, and it has decided to adopt a thermal technology for the
    treatment of its municipal solid waste. The city needs your help to choose between a traditional municipal waste incinerator
    and a pyrolysis unit. As a solid waste professional, you have been hired by the city council to provide an analysis of these
    two technologies.

    You are tasked with preparing an executive summary that compares the two technologies. Your summary should contain
    the following items:

    a short description of the technologies, their advantages and disadvantages, their waste products, and their economics;
    the fundamental science and engineering principles of solid waste management that are involved;
    the laws or standards that factor into your decision;
    how your decision will affect the population of the community; and
    your recommendation and rationale to the city.

    Your executive summary should be a minimum of three pages in length. You must use your textbook and at least one
    resource from the CSU Online Library in your paper, but other academic sources may be used in addition. Any outside
    information used must be cited in accordance to APA style, and your paper should be formatted in APA style to include a
    title page, running head, and reference page.

    Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

    Unit VII Assignment

    For this Assignment, you will complete the Unit VII Assignment worksheet. This Assignment will allow you to demonstrate
    what you have learned in this unit.

    Click here to access the template for this Assignment. Save all of your work directly to the template, and submit it in
    Blackboard for grading.

    To assist you with the math required in this Assignment, the CSU Math Center has created an example problem using the
    necessary formulas. Click here to access this example.

    Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

    Unit VIII Scholarly Activity

    You are an engineer in a design, build, and operate construction firm. The firm has received four requests for proposals
    (RFPs) and can only respond to one of these. You have been asked to review the RFP from Washentaw County, Michigan,
    and write up a three-page executive summary for the marketing team. After reading all of the executive summaries, the
    marketing team will make a decision about which, if any, of the RFPs to respond to.

    The RFP from Washentaw County is located here:

    Your executive summary should include the following items:

    an introduction that includes a detailed overview of the project scope;
    identification of the required information to be included into the company response to the RFP;
    your concerns about any of the obligations in the RFP;
    how any negotiations with Washentaw County could affect the decision (i.e.,What collaborative methods of problem

    MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management 3 x x

    solving could be used to solve the marketing team’s problem of choosing an RPF? How could these methods be applied
    to this situation?); and
    your justified recommendation to respond or to pass on this business opportunity. This should include a description of
    the leadership and management principles that factored into your decision.

    Also, as stated in the RFP, the criteria for making a decision will depend on the following three areas: price, collection and
    methodology, and responsiveness to the bid. While you cannot address the price issue, you can cover in your
    recommendation discussion the collection methodology and the level of detail that you would recommend when responding
    to the bid.

    Your response should be at least three pages in length. At a minimum, you should use information from your textbook to
    support your answer, but other academic resources may be used as well. Any resources used should by cited in
    accordance with APA guidelines. Format your response in APA style to include a title page, running head, and reference

    Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

    APA Guidelines

    The application of the APA writing style shall be practical, functional, and appropriate to each academic level, with the
    primary purpose being the documentation (citation) of sources. CSU requires that students use APA style for certain papers
    and projects. Students should always carefully read and follow assignment directions and review the associated grading
    rubric when available. Students can find CSU’s Citation Guide by clicking here. This document includes examples and
    sample papers and provides information on how to contact the CSU Success Center.

    Grading Rubrics

    This course utilizes analytic grading rubrics as tools for your professor in assigning grades for all learning activities. Each
    rubric serves as a guide that communicates the expectations of the learning activity and describes the criteria for each level
    of achievement. In addition, a rubric is a reference tool that lists evaluation criteria and can help you organize your efforts to
    meet the requirements of that learning activity. It is imperative for you to familiarize yourself with these rubrics because
    these are the primary tools your professor uses for assessing learning activities.

    Rubric categories include: (1) Discussion Board, (2) Assessment (Written Response), and (3) Assignment. However, it is
    possible that not all of the listed rubric types will be used in a single course (e.g., some courses may not have

    The Discussion Board rubric can be found within Unit I’s Discussion Board submission instructions.

    The Assessment (Written Response) rubric can be found embedded in a link within the directions for each Unit
    Assessment. However, these rubrics will only be used when written-response questions appear within the Assessment.

    Each Assignment type (e.g., article critique, case study, research paper) will have its own rubric. The Assignment rubrics
    are built into Blackboard, allowing students to review them prior to beginning the Assignment and again once the
    Assignment has been scored. This rubric can be accessed via the Assignment link located within the unit where it is to be
    submitted. Students may also access the rubric through the course menu by selecting “Tools” and then “My Grades.”

    Again, it is vitally important for you to become familiar with these rubrics because their application to your
    Discussion Boards, Assessments, and Assignments is the method by which your instructor assigns all grades.

    Communication Forums

    These are non-graded discussion forums that allow you to communicate with your professor and other students.
    Participation in these discussion forums is encouraged, but not required. You can access these forums with the buttons in
    the Course Menu.

    Click here for instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe and post to the Communication Forums.

    Ask the Professor

    This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content questions.
    Questions may focus on Blackboard locations of online course components, textbook or course content elaboration,
    additional guidance on assessment requirements, or general advice from other students.

    Questions that are specific in nature, such as inquiries regarding assessment/assignment grades or personal
    accommodation requests, are NOT to be posted on this forum. If you have questions, comments, or concerns of a non-
    public nature, please feel free to e-mail your professor. Responses to your post will be addressed or e-mailed by the
    professor within 48 hours.

    Before posting, please ensure that you have read all relevant course documentation, including the syllabus,
    assessment/assignment instructions, faculty feedback, and other important information.

    MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management 4

    Student Break Room

    This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates. Communication on this forum should
    always maintain a standard of appropriateness and respect for your fellow classmates. This forum should NOT be used to
    share assessment answers.


    The following pages contain a printable Course Schedule to assist you through this course. By following this schedule, you
    will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted.

    Unit I Integrated Solid Waste Management [ Weight: 12% ]

    Read/View: Unit I Study Guide
    Chapter 1: Integrated Solid Waste Management
    Chapter 2: Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics and Quantities

    Discuss: Unit I Discussion Board 2%

    Submit: Unit I Assignment 10%

    Unit II Collecting and Handling Municipal Solid Waste [ Weight: 12% ]

    Read/View: Unit II Study Guide
    Chapter 3: Collection

    Discuss: Unit II Discussion Board 2%

    Submit: Unit II Assignment 10%

    Unit III Unit Operations for Processing Municipal Solid Waste [ Weight: 12% ]

    Read/View: Unit III Study Guide
    Chapter 4: Mechanical Processes

    Discuss: Unit III Discussion Board 2%

    Submit: Unit III Assignment 10%

    Unit IV Unit Operations for Separating Municipal Solid Waste [ Weight: 12% ]

    Read/View: Unit IV Study Guide
    Chapter 5: Separation Processes

    Discuss: Unit IV Discussion Board 2%

    Submit: Unit IV Assignment 10%

    Unit V Role of Biological Processes in Stabilizing Municipal Solid Waste [ Weight: 12% ]

    Read/View: Unit V Study Guide
    Chapter 6: Biological Processes

    Discuss: Unit V Discussion Board 2%

    Submit: Unit V Assignment 10%

    MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management 5

    Unit VI Role of Thermal Processes in Solid Waste Management [ Weight: 14% ]

    Read/View: Unit VI Study Guide
    Chapter 7: Thermal Processes

    Discuss: Unit VI Discussion Board 2%

    Submit: Unit VI Scholarly Activity 12%

    Unit VII Structure and Design of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills [ Weight: 12% ]

    Read/View: Unit VII Study Guide
    Chapter 8: Landfills

    Discuss: Unit VII Discussion Board 2%

    Submit: Unit VII Assignment 10%

    Unit VIII Integrated Resource Management [ Weight: 14% ]

    Read/View: Unit VIII Study Guide
    Chapter 9: Toward Integrated Resources Management – Environmental, Political, and
    Economic Issues

    Discuss: Unit VIII Discussion Board 2%

    Submit: Unit VIII Scholarly Activity 12%

    MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management 6

      MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management
      Course Syllabus
      Course Description
      Course Textbook(s)
      Course Learning Outcomes
      Course Structure
      CSU Online Library
      Unit Assignments
      Unit I Assignment
      Unit II Assignment
      Unit III Assignment
      Unit IV Assignment
      Unit V Assignment
      Unit VI Scholarly Activity
      Unit VII Assignment
      Unit VIII Scholarly Activity
      APA Guidelines
      Grading Rubrics
      Communication Forums

    MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management 1

    Course Learning Outcomes for Unit I

    Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

    1. Assess the fundamental science and engineering principles of solid waste management.

    7. Examine the impact of solid waste on human populations.

    Reading Assignment

    Chapter 1:

    Integrated Solid Waste Management

    Chapter 2:
    Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics and Quantities

    Unit Lesson

    During the last 10 years, the European Union (EU) has seen a 25% increase in the per capita generation of
    municipal solid waste (MSW) and a 30% increase in the generation of hazardous waste (European
    Environment Agency, 2013; Eurostat, 2016). In Asia, MSW is expected to increase by 150% in the next 20
    years (Hoornweg & Bhada-Tata, 2012). Government regulators and corporations are looking for ways to
    reduce and better manage these wastes. One option is to use the principles of the Integrated Solid Waste
    Management (ISWM) program. The ISWM program is structured with the highest priority being the prevention
    of waste from being generated. The lowest-ranked priority involves the final disposal of the waste in a landfill
    facility. When waste is generated in a manufacturing facility, every attempt is made to reduce its quantity by
    using sustainable consumption processes that utilize fewer toxic and hazardous materials in the
    manufacturing processes. The next highest priority in the hierarchy is recycling or reusing waste in
    commercially viable products. To properly protect human health and the environment, waste that has no
    commercial value must be disposed of. Before going straight to a landfill, opportunities need to be explored
    that are related to the recovery of heat and energy by incineration or other thermal oxidation processes.
    Incineration also has the added advantage of converting the large quantity of organic materials down to a
    reduced quantity of ash residue that is disposed of in the landfill.

    As cities grow in population and commerce leading to the generation of increased quantities of waste,
    communities need to adopt and implement an ISWM program to manage these wastes. The composition of
    municipal wastes is also shifting as lifestyles and consumption patterns change between the generations.
    Industrial facilities are becoming more complex, and they are using more complex hazardous and toxic
    materials to maximize profits in global markets. In many older communities, there are legacy sites where
    waste has been improperly disposed of, and these sites are now exerting adverse impacts to groundwater
    and drinking water aquifers. During the last few years, residents have been taking control of their
    environments, and they are now requiring companies to be more responsible in how they manage their
    wastes. Companies are being held accountable to fulfill their promise to be good corporate citizens in the
    local communities where they operate. With the implementation of new and updated state and local
    regulations, waste management compliance is getting more complex as additional regulatory obligations and
    permit requirements are more strictly enforced. All of this is causing companies to rethink their waste
    management strategies and to find ways of not creating waste in their manufacturing and facility operations.
    This often requires stakeholders’ involvement in the management process, including the Environmental
    Health and Safety (EHS) subject matter expert.

    For both the public and private sectors, ISWM programs have many benefits when properly implemented.
    Neighborhoods are less polluted, and there is less demand for waste collection and disposal. Companies see


    Integrated Solid Waste Management

    MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management 2



    cost savings and increased margins when they are more efficient in their use of raw materials in
    manufacturing operations. Company reputations and product branding are enhanced when companies
    implement best management technologies and practices.

    The composition of ISWM plans include the following key elements:

     policies related to regulations and finances,

     technologies covering equipment and operations,

     voluntary programs undertaken by a facility,

     waste management systems,

     data on waste generation and characterization, and

     reporting and recordkeeping.

    MSW is not homogenous in its composition. In the Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) regulation,
    MSW is defined according to the categories of food and yard wastes, durable and non-durable goods,
    packaging and containers, and miscellaneous inorganics. Other systems classify MSW according to its
    nature; this includes the categories of inorganic and organic, putrescible and infectious, hazardous and
    combustible, and recyclable waste.

    There are many factors that affect the rates that MSW is generated. The most important factor is public
    attitude. If local citizens support recycle and reuse, waste quantities of MSW that require disposal are
    reduced. If packaging containers are used only one time and then disposed as trash, this results in large
    quantities of MSW being generated and managed. Other factors affecting waste quantities are population
    density, the average size of households, the age distribution and level of unemployment in the community, the
    use of residential food disposal units, collection frequency, and per capital income. One example of how these
    factors impact the type and quantity of waste generation involves what happens in low income areas where
    there is a low generation in the amount of plastics, cardboard, and paper but an increased quantity of wastes
    high in organic content.

    The weight of MSW varies by season and moisture content. The density of MSW depends on storage time,
    equipment, and the processing levels of the waste materials. Shredding is used to standardize the particle
    sizes of wastes. Higher densities and compaction levels can be achieved when particles are similar in size.

    Municipalities often set up compost operations. These have the benefit of keeping organic materials out of the
    landfill and putting these into a compost pile. Composting involves aerobic degradation where organics are
    converted to carbon dioxide. The organic matter is converted by microbes into biomass that can be reused for
    multiple purposes. On the other hand, landfills are anaerobic, and in the absence of oxygen, organics are
    degraded into methane and carbon dioxide. One molecule of methane is 17 times more potent as a
    greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Therefore, using compost piles helps to reduce the greenhouse gas
    burden on the environment. In addition, compost piles also help to extend the life of the landfill by keeping
    waste materials out and making room for other categories of MSW for which composting is not an option.

    Compost can be used as a soil amendment and as a fertilizer supplement for growing crops and garden
    flowers. Compost is also an excellent substitute for peat and top soil. In some communities, compost is also
    used as soil fill for landfills.

    It is important to keep hazardous and toxic wastes out of landfills. The RCRA has special requirements and
    obligations for storing, transporting and disposing of hazardous wastes. Toxic chemicals are known to wipe
    out sensitive microbial populations that help to stabilize waste placed into the landfill. Losing the microbial
    populations tasked to stabilize the landfill will minimize the conversion rate that waste is degraded to methane
    and carbon dioxide. Toxic materials may also lead to the generation of leachate (water that drains from a
    landfill and has picked up some of the toxic materials) when water gets into the landfill after the landfill is
    closed and abandoned. This leachate can contaminate groundwater that is used by farmers to irrigate crops
    and as a source of drinking water for farm animals and the home. Depending on the toxic chemical, it is
    possible that some of these toxic chemicals can get into the milk supply and cause harm to children and other
    vulnerable sectors of the population. To address the issue of toxic and hazardous wastes, many communities
    have specific dates for collecting and disposing of hazardous and toxic wastes after which these are
    consolidated and transported to a hazardous disposal site for destruction and disposal.

    MEE 5901, Advanced Solid Waste Management 3


    Mismanagement of MSW can have dire consequences in local communities, and when it becomes known to
    the public, municipalities will have a harder time attracting new industries and jobs into the area. When the
    growth of municipalities slows or begin to shrink, the tax base of the community is adversely impacted as
    housing prices are reduced when more people relocate out of the community and companies choose to
    relocate to other communities, especially when the populations of skilled workers available to hire is reduced.


    European Environment Agency. (2013). Managing municipal solid waste – A review of achievements in 32
    European countries. Retrieved from

    Eurostat. (2016). Municipal waste statistics. Retrieved from


    Hoornweg, D., & Bhada-Tata, P. (2012). What a waste: A global review of solid waste management.

    Retrieved from

    Suggested Reading

    To learn more about municipal solid waste, take a few minutes to view this PowerPoint that covers the subject
    in more depth.

    Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Municipal solid waste [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved


    Learning Activities (Non-Graded)

    Review and consider the following questions/topics related to the content of this unit:

    1. Discuss the changes that the 1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Subpart D brought to
    the 1965 Solid Waste Disposal Act.

    2. Describe how the differences between a dump and a sanitary waste landfill affect the environment.

    3. A sanitary landfill uses a Caterpillar D9 bulldozer to move trash into the burial cell and to compact the

    trash from the weight of the bulldozer driving over the trash. Look up the weight of a Caterpillar D9
    bulldozer and the area of the tread that contacts the trash. Calculate the maximum compaction in the

    4. How has the plastics industry responded to the proposal that plastic bags be restricted for use in

    grocery and retail stores?

    Non-graded Learning Activities are provided to aid students in their course of study. You do not have to
    submit them. If you have questions, contact your instructor for further guidance and information.

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