I have attached the assignment. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Assignment will look similar to Scipty Fun Pythonfile i uploaded,.
Add functionality to both Screenburst scripts: Screenburst Python and Screenburst PowerShell
Add GUI prompts for time, filename (assignment name), and folder/directory, as
Ensure that the folder/directory prompt is a file chooser dialog.
Add remarks (#) to explain your changes.
Within a single Microsoft Word document for each script [meaning 2 sets of documents], create a
single-column, 6-row table.
Explain the original code and its functionality.
Paste your working original code.
Paste a screenshot of your working code.
Explain your changes and the enhanced functionality.
Paste your working enhanced code.
Paste a screenshot of the working enhanced code, including all user prompts.
Citations for where you found the information to update the scripts should appear at the
end of the report.
Screenburst Python:
Screenburst PowerShell:
Collapse All
Improve Screenburst – Rubric
Recreated Code Explanation
12 points
Criteria Description
Recreated Code Explanation
5. Target
12 points
Created code and functionality explanation are complete, comprehensive, and
4. Acceptable
10.2 points
Created code and functionality explanation are complete.
3. Approaching
9 points
Created code and functionality explanation are complete but lacking some details.
2. Insufficient
7.8 points
Created code and functionality explanation are incomplete or vague.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Created code and functionality explanation are not present.
© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
12 points
Criteria Description
Including GUI elements
5. Target
12 points
Code, including GUI elements, is complete, detailed, and functions as expected.
4. Acceptable
10.2 points
Code, including GUI elements, is complete and functions.
3. Approaching
9 points
Code, including GUI elements, is complete but is lacking some details.
2. Insufficient
7.8 points
Code, including GUI elements, is complete but contains functioning issues.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Code is incomplete or not present.
© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Screenshot of Code
6 points
Criteria Description
Screenshot of Code
5. Target
6 points
Screenshot of working code is present.
4. Acceptable
5.1 points
3. Approaching
4.5 points
2. Insufficient
3.9 points
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Screenshot of working code is not present.
© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Enhancements Explanation
12 points
Criteria Description
Enhancements Explanation
5. Target
12 points
Explanation of changes and enhancement is complete, comprehensive, and
4. Acceptable
10.2 points
Explanation of changes and enhancement is complete.
3. Approaching
9 points
Explanation of changes and enhancement is complete but lacking some details.
2. Insufficient
7.8 points
Explanation of changes and enhancement is incomplete or vague.
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Explanation of changes and enhancement is not presented.
© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Enhanced Code
12 points
Criteria Description
Enhanced Code
5. Target
12 points
Working enhanced code is present.
4. Acceptable
10.2 points
3. Approaching
9 points
2. Insufficient
7.8 points
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Working enhanced code is not present.
© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Screenshot of Enhanced Code
6 points
Criteria Description
Screenshot of Enhanced Code
5. Target
6 points
Screenshot of working enhanced code is present.
4. Acceptable
5.1 points
3. Approaching
4.5 points
2. Insufficient
3.9 points
1. Unsatisfactory
0 points
Screenshot of working enhanced code is not present.
Total 60 points
© 2023. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
Scipty Fun Python
Recreated Code and Functionality:
This Python script utilizes the Tkinter library to create a basic graphical user interface for a square
calculator. The GUI includes an entry widget for user input, a button to trigger the calculation, and a
label to display the square result. The calculate_square function, invoked by the button,
attempts to extract a numeric input from the entry, calculates its square, and updates the result label
accordingly. If the input is not a valid number, it displays an error message. The main window runs in a
Tkinter event loop, providing a responsive user interface for calculating and displaying square values.
Working Recreated Code:
Screenshot of the Working Recreated Code
Working Code:
Screenshot of the Working Code
In the modified script, the original square calculator has been extended to a more generalized power
calculator. The calculate_power function now takes a parameter power, allowing the user to
calculate not only the square but also higher powers such as cubes and beyond. The GUI includes two
buttons, “Calculate Square” and “Calculate Cube,” each associated with a different power level through
lambda functions. The calculate_power function handles the calculation based on the selected
power, and appropriate error messages are displayed if the input is invalid or if an even root is attempted
on a negative number. This modification enhances the calculator’s functionality, providing users with the
ability to compute various powers of a given input.
Enhanced Code:
Screenshot of the Enhanced Code:
Working Enhanced Code:
Screenshot of the Working Enhanced Code: