Acid & Base Project

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Project: Physical &

Chemical Properties

Part I: Research

Research these acids and bases in order to fill out the Graphic Organizers below. The first line is filled in as an example. Use these and other web resources for your research:

Common Compound Library

Envirofacts Master Chemical Integrator

International Chemical Safety Cards

Chemistry Material Safety Data Sheets



Acetic acid


Butyric acid

Barium hydroxide

Carbonic acid

Calcium hydroxide

Formic acid

Ammonium hydroxide

Sulfuric acid

Sodium carbonate

Hydrochloric acid

Sodium hydroxide

Graphic Organizer: Acids


Chemical Formula

Commercial Uses

Physical Properties

Chemical Properties


oxalic acid or ethanedioic acid

C2H2O4 or C2H2O4 · 2H2O

stain removers, cleaners, dyes, inks, metal polishes, cleansers

clear, colorless, odorless; if not in solution, white crystalline solid

reacts explosively with oxidizing materials and some silver compounds; combustible

harmful if it comes in contact with skin or eyes; corrosive to tissue; poisonous






































Graphic Organizer: Bases


Chemical Formula

Commercial Uses

Physical Properties

Chemical Properties






































Part II: Analysis

Refer to your graphic organizers as you answer these questions: What are the characteristics common to all of the acids or all of the bases that were researched? Were there any rare exceptions? Examine each column of the graphic organizers and look for similarities. You may find it helpful to circle similar items. Record these identifying characteristics in the table below.

Identifying Characteristics of Acids and Bases





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