Accounting paper

Written Assignment: SEC 10-K Analysis

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Using the Internet, access the SEC 10-K annual report for a publicly traded company of your choice. The company must be a manufacturing concern with inventory and accounts receivable.

You must select a company that is publically traded and has inventory and accounts receivable. Most students find the SEC 10-K annual report at their company’s web site in sections such as About Us and / or Investor Relations. Look for SEC and Annual Filings (you will often find drop down menus to click). You must research and secure the SEC 10-K Annual Report for the most recent year. Save the file to your computer for access. Do not print as the report is usually 100 pages or more. Post the name of your company, the SEC 10-K web link, and how your found the SEC 10-K in your Class Introduction Conference by the end of Week 1 for approval by your professor.

Review the company’s MD&A as well as financial statements and the accompanying footnotes. Use this information to prepare your “analytic” results. You may want to seek additional background and comparative data on the business.

The content of your paper should focus on accounting issues and include words used in our accounting class, including financial accounting as well as managerial accounting. An example would be a discussion on inventory: how it is valued, whether there is a WIP account, and other details you learned this semester.

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Use terms from our class and create displays using the SEC 10-K for your company. The use of headings will label the sections in your paper. You should present inventory turnover, days sales in inventory, days sales in accounts receivable, and other financial analysis from our course, both for the current year and as they relate to changes in accounts from one year to the next. Your goal is to explain the financial statements and the information of the SEC 10-K with the knowledge you learn from our class. While not explaining every item in the SEC 10-K, your paper should tell a story and illustrate your mastery of accounting terms and concepts. No more than one page should be devoted to your company’s history and non-financial information.


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