Accounting for only

  •   IntroductionMaking sense of accounting data on financial statements can be difficult. Thankfully, combining numbers from income statements, balance sheets, and other data provides a starting point to analyze a company’s financial results. You now have the opportunity to demonstrate your prowess by identifying and computing financial ratios.InstructionsFor this assignment, use the BUS3061 Assignment u05a1 Template (listed in Resources).Analyze and compute the necessary financial ratios. The Financial Statements worksheet in the template contains the income statement, balance sheets, and additional information needed. The Ratio Analysis worksheet contains space for your calculations and answers.
  • Toggle DrawerAssignment 2   On the template, you will find selected ratios for a company over a two-year period. Compare the ratios, and on a separate document (Word or Excel), submit your answers to the following questions:What does the calculation of each ratio represent?How does year one compare with year two, and what trend can be seen when you compare the two years?Is the trend from year one to year two positive or negative?What are the possible reasons for the trend?What recommendations do you have for turning a negative trend to a positive trend?

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