ACCO 1095, Management Accounting: ACTIVITY BASED COSTING


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Activity Based Costing:




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Essay:You are required to write an extended essay of no longer than 2,000 words on the following:1) “ABC is still relevant for companies in all geographical locations – critically discuss”Hints: Students should analyse the academic journals, professional (CIMA & ACCA) literature and other sources such as the economist and good quality newspapers to support your discussion.Students should NOT: simply as assume the title of this essay is a fact, it is NOT, this is a statement. The critical analysis is KEY to this essay.You must use the following article within your work as well as others which you have found throughout your own research, failure to do so will severely reduce your grade. We expect a minimum of five academic journal( CIMA & ACCA literature do not count as academic journals) articles to be used plus other sources mentioned above, the other articles should not be simply ones you have taken from this article:Stratton, W., Desroches, D., Lawson, R. & Hatch, T. (2009) Activity-Based Costing: Is it still relevant? Management Accounting Quarterly. Spring, pp31-40Note – you are required to find four research studies which have examined companies within four different countries, use should try and find countries which are different in terms of culture. China, America, Tunisia and Portugal would be considered as having very different cultures, please note this is just an example.This article must be cited in your essay and referenced in your bibliography.ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 14You should use the library search tool to find this journal. This is located on the students’ portal under ‘IT and library’. The university has full access to this article you do NOT have to pay for it.IMPORTANT POINTSThe essay should be properly referenced throughout using the Harvard style and have the list of references cited in the essay presented at the end of the assignment in the form of a bibliography. Students MUST use academic sources for their research. Failing to reference your work will result in a plagiarism enquiry.1. This is an individual coursework – any collaboration beyond, perhaps, sharing information on relevant material is entirely unacceptable. This will also result in a plagiarism enquiry.2. Sources such as Wikipedia are not acceptable as valid research sites.



Course Study Guide


Management Accounting

ACCO 1095

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 2


1. WELCOME …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

2. INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE ……………………………………………………………………….. 4

2.1 AIMS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

2.2 LEARNING OUTCOMES ……………………………………………………………………………………………….4

2.3 LEARNING AND TEACHING ACTIVITIES ………………………………………………………………………………5

3. CONTACT DETAILS ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

4. COURSE CONTENT AND DESIGN ………………………………………………………………………… 7

4.1 SESSION PLAN …………………………………………………………………………………………………………7

4.2 SESSION REQUIRED READING ……………………………………………………………………………………..12

5. ASSESSMENT DETAILS …………………………………………………………………………………… 13

5.1 SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENT ……………………………………………………………………………………….13

5.2 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT ……………………………………………………………………..13

Essay: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..13

Excel:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

Exam:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

6. OTHER DETAILS ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 3

1. Welcome

Welcome to study at the University of Greenwich Business School and a particular welcome to
the course Management Accounting (ACCO 1095).

This course is designed to develop core skills in both the subject area and in general
undergraduate level academic areas and although we do expect you to work hard, you should
be more than rewarded by added employability that comes from being skilled in this area.

As its name implies, this course is designed to introduce you to the decision making element
of accounting by analysing and practicing some of techniques available within management
accounting. Much of what you learn in this course should integrate with the other courses on
the programme. For example, there are large overlaps of shared knowledge between financial
and management accounting and in addition as you proceed through your degree you will
build upon the skills you acquire in this course within future courses, in particular Current
Issues in Management Accounting. As you study this course make sure you look for these
linkages and try to integrate your understandings.

This document outlines the course’s main features and provides you with the key information

you need during the course but if you have any queries about the running of this course

please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Karen Brickman


ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 4

2. Introduction to the Course



“Management accounting combines accounting, finance and management with leading edge

techniques needed to drive successful businesses. It combines technical skills with business

and management skills.” (Weetman, 2010: 2). This course provides opportunities for students

to select and apply their learning to specific contexts relevant to some of the topical business

problems discussed on a daily basis within the news.

2.1 Aims

This course develops the costing techniques introduced at Level 1. It aims to allow students to

understand how a wider range of accounting techniques may be used by management for the

purposes of planning, control and decision making. This course will improve the students

understanding of management accounting in an organisational setting. Therefore, students

will not only be asked to demonstrate their ability to answer numeric questions but will also

be asked to explain their solutions and methods. This course aims to bring management

accounting techniques into a practical setting by requiring students to translate management

accounting problems into Excel based models.

2.2 Learning Outcomes

2.2.1 Knowledge and understanding of:

The context within which Management Accounting is used for planning and control
purposes. Appreciate how budgets and variances are used to control and measure
performance. Understand the use of various costing systems and techniques.
Understand how to use cost information for decision making and risk measurement
purposes. Understand and apply techniques used to appraise Capital Investment

2.2.2 Intellectual Skills:

Appreciate the shortcomings of and alternatives to using financial performance

2.2.3 Subject practical skills:

Prepare budgets based on varying levels of activity. Measure and analyse performance
using appropriate variances. Prepare cost estimates using appropriate assumptions.
Evaluate both short and long-term decisions using cost information. Prepare decision
making exercises on Excel.

2.2.4 Transferable skills:

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 5

Appreciate the impact on management information of using different costing systems and
techniques. Incorporate considerations of risk and uncertainty into decision
recommendations. Students will be able to work through problems and appreciate the role of
Excel in managing accounting information. In addition students will be able to present in
writing the application of a specific area of Management Accounting within the context of
published work. Prepare budgets based on varying levels of activity. Measure and analyse
performance using appropriate variances. Prepare cost estimates using appropriate
assumptions. Evaluate both short and long-term decisions using cost information. Prepare
decision making exercises on Excel.

2.3 Learning and teaching activities

The course will use formal lectures to introduce students to the basic areas of knowledge and

to demonstrate techniques. Intellectual Skills: Seminars will be mainly used for students to

discuss and interpret the management information generated. Subject Practical Skills: Lab

tutorials will be used to encourage students to use Excel to help develop their practical skills.

Transferable Skills Seminars will focus on developing discussion and will also include sessions

for student presentations.

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 6

3. Contact Details

Room Email address Phone number

Course Leader:

Karen Brickman

QM229 0208 3317678


Liz Warren QA255 0208 3319067

Dr Gerhard Kristandl QA255 0208 3318039

Kevin Williams QA255 TBA

Programme Coordinator:

Elvina Moonien

QA255 0208 331 9276

Please note that email is the most efficient way to contact your tutor and course leader.

Please see your programme handbook for more detail.

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 7

4. Course Content and Design

4.1 Session Plan


Wk Session Title and Description Reading to

21/09/12 1 N/A New arrival week (induction)

28/09/12 2 Lecture
Introduction – Traditional costing and

Activity Based

Costing (ABC)

Chapter 11

Seminars Course requirements and coursework


Course handbook

05/10/12 3 Lecture Customer profitability

Chapter 10

Seminars Traditional costing and Activity Based

Costing (ABC)

Chapter 11

12/10/12 4 Lecture Theory of constraints

Chapter 9

Seminars Customer profitability

Chapter 10

19/10/12 5 Lecture JIT, Throughput Accounting and Back-flush


Chapters 4 and 21

Seminars Theory of constraints

Chapter 9

26/10/12 6 Lecture Accounting issues in pricing

Chapter 10

Seminars JIT, Throughput Accounting and Back-flush


Chapters 4 and 21

02/11/12 7 Lecture Budgeting 1

Chapter 15 and


Seminars Accounting issues in pricing Chapter 10

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 8

09/11/12 8 Lecture Budgeting 2

Chapter 15 and

Seminars Budgeting 1

Chapter 15 and

16/11/12 9 Lecture Process costing

Chapter 5

Seminars Budgeting 2

Chapter 15 and

23/11/12 10 Lecture Cost estimation techniques

Chapter 23

Seminars Process costing

Chapter 5

30/11/12 11 Lecture Financial reports to managers and

Management accounting essays



Seminars Cost estimation techniques

Chapter 23

07/12/12 12 Lecture **

Seminars **

14/12/12 13 Lecture **

Seminars **

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 9

21/12/12 14 Lecture **

Seminars **



Christmas Break

18/01/13 18 Lecture Introduction to capital budgeting

Chapters 12, 13

and 14

Seminars Research essay – help

25/01/13 19 Lecture Research essay – hand in 25th January, NO

attendance required.

Seminars Research essay – hand in 25th January, NO

attendance required.

01/02/13 20 Lecture Life cycle costing

Chapter 21

Seminars Introduction to capital budgeting

Chapters 12, 13
and 14

08/02/13 21 Lecture Principles of environmental costing Chapter 21

Seminars Life cycle costing

Chapter 21

15/02/13 22 Lecture Advance variance analysis (1)

Chapter 17

Seminars Principles of environmental costing Chapter 21

22/02/13 23 Lecture Advance variance analysis (2) Chapter 18

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13


Seminars Advance variance analysis (1)

Chapter 17

01/03/13 24 Lecture Risk and uncertainty (1)

Chapter 12

Seminars Advance variance analysis (2)

Chapter 18

08/03/13 25 Lecture Risk and uncertainty (2)

Chapter 12

Seminars Risk and uncertainty (1)

Chapter 12

15/03/13 26 Lecture Decision making (1)

Chapters 8 and 9

Seminars Risk and uncertainty (2)

Chapter 12

22/03/13 27 Lecture Decision making (2) – revision pack to be

handed out in the lecture.

Chapters 8 and 9

Seminars Decision making (1)

Chapters 8 and 9




Easter Break

19/04/13 31 Lecture Revision (1)

Revision pack

Seminars Decision making (2) Chapters 8 and 9

26/04/13 32 Lecture Revision (2)

Seminars Revision (1)

Revision pack

03/05/13 33 Lecture Drop in sessions

Seminars Revision (2) Revision pack

10/05/13 34 Drop in sessions



Exam Period

** these session will be replaced earlier in the term with excel lab sessions, three times
2hour sessions. You will be required to sign up for these sessions on moodle.

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 11

Award Ceremonies 6-18 July
Resit Exam Period 19 August 2013 – 30 August 2013
Resit Coursework due 14 August 2013

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 12

4.2 Session Required Reading

Weeks required
for completion:


30 Drury, C. (2012) Management and Cost accounting. 8th Edition. Cengage

Learning EMEA.

It is vital for this unit that you are able to understand the techniques we

cover in a real world setting, therefore not only are you encouraged to read

good quality newspapers but also to examine the case studies provided in

this text book.

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 13

5. Assessment Details

5.1 Summary of assessment

Assessment Title Weight
final grade

Length Due Date Anticipated


Essay 30% 2,000 25.01.13
at 3PM


Portfolio Excel 15% Various ** TBA

Examination 55% 3 Hours May 2013 TBA

** The date of this assessment will be determined on which group you select on Moodle.

5.2 Detailed description of assessment


You are required to write an extended essay of no longer than 2,000 words on the following:

1) “ABC is still relevant for companies in all geographical locations – critically discuss”

Hints: Students should analyse the academic journals, professional (CIMA & ACCA)

literature and other sources such as the economist and good quality newspapers to
support your discussion.

Students should NOT: simply as assume the title of this essay is a fact, it is NOT, this is

a statement. The critical analysis is KEY to this essay.

You must use the following article within your work as well as others which you have

found throughout your own research, failure to do so will severely reduce your grade.

We expect a minimum of five academic journal( CIMA & ACCA literature do not count

as academic journals) articles to be used plus other sources mentioned above, the

other articles should not be simply ones you have taken from this article:

Stratton, W., Desroches, D., Lawson, R. & Hatch, T. (2009) Activity-Based Costing: Is it still

relevant? Management Accounting Quarterly. Spring, pp31-40

Note – you are required to find four research studies which have examined companies

within four different countries, use should try and find countries which are different in

terms of culture. China, America, Tunisia and Portugal would be considered as having very

different cultures, please note this is just an example.

This article must be cited in your essay and referenced in your bibliography.

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 14

You should use the library search tool to find this journal. This is located on the students’ portal

under ‘IT and library’. The university has full access to this article you do NOT have to pay for


Important points

The essay should be properly referenced throughout using the Harvard style and have the list

of references cited in the essay presented at the end of the assignment in the form of a

bibliography. Students MUST use academic sources for their research. Failing to reference

your work will result in a plagiarism enquiry.

1. This is an individual coursework – any collaboration beyond, perhaps, sharing
information on relevant material is entirely unacceptable. This will also result in a
plagiarism enquiry.

2. Sources such as Wikipedia are not acceptable as valid research sites.

Using Jisc

Your work will go through the jisc system when you submit your work on moodle. Please

submit your work prior to the deadline so you have an opportunity to see the jisc report and

amend where needed. If you are unsure contact your course leader.

Problems submitting via moodle?

You should contact the business school office and your course leader, please note the

deadline is 3pm.

Please remember that any submission after the deadline is automatically considered as a 0%

unless you have extenuating circumstances.

Checklist for submission:

The following should all be in ONE PDF file – more than one file will not be accepted.

A. Header sheet

B. Essay


You will be required to complete a time constrained, in class test.

ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 15


In term 3 you will be expected to complete an exam worth 55% of you course grade. It will be
a closed book exam and the duration of the exam will be three hours.

If you would like to be more familiar with the layout of the exam, past exams are available on

the Moodle site for this course.

Marking Criteria for Essay

Marking Criteria Marks
to criteria:

Does the essay set up a clear essay question to address? Does the essay stay
within and fulfil the topic parameters?


Does the essay bring together the literature in a significant manner that
addresses an essay question?


Does the essay indicate a comprehensive understanding of the topic area and
literature discussed?


Clarity of structure
Is the essay well organised and logically constructed to achieve synthesis while
being mindful of the needs of the reader?


Mechanical Soundness
Is the essay clearly written, spell checked and grammatically sound and
referenced appropriately?


ACCO 1095, Management Accounting 2012-13 16

6. Other Details

The majority of information relevant to you while you study at the University has been

brought together into your programme handbook. Please refer to your programme handbook

for any further information you might require including:

 How to submit assignments,

 Deadlines and extenuating circumstances,

 Plagiarism and referencing,

 Who to go to for advice or if you are concerned,

 How to provide us with feedback,

 Key administrative procedures.

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