Accidents from falling

Accidents from falling are one of the leading causes of death and injuries in the construction industry. Find and review several articles in professional publications on construction-related fall accidents. Also, find and review several sample fall protection programs for construction companies, as well as visit
for relevant fall protection requirements. Choose at least one accident you would like to research further and construct a paper that includes the following:

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 A brief introduction of the problem with fall-related accidents in the construction industry.

 A review and analysis of the fall accident chosen for further research.

 A detailed discussion on the causative factors associated with the fall accident.

 A sample fall protection program developed to suit only the type of work being performed in the accident that is being reviewed. Be specific and include the factors related to the accident. (Do not include portions of a program not directly related to the work in the researched accident.)

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 A summary of the student’s conclusions on fall hazards in the construction industry, and opinions on the necessity for a fall protection plan.

Your research paper analysis should be at least five pages of text in 12-point double-spaced Times Roman font. Please include an APA style reference for the in-text citations and references that you use.

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