Assignment Details
You are the head of the behavioral department in a hospital underperforming for the past 5 years. As head, you put some changes in place to transform the department into a high-performing one, meeting the expectations of the corporate office. You are now evaluating your work. In your change evaluation, please respond to the following:
- What are Kotter’s eight steps for transforming an organization in dynamic situations?
- Are there any limitations or barriers to this process?
- Why is it necessary for organizations to be transformed, especially health care organizations?
- What are some of the models that comprise the rational decision-making process?
- How would you describe the steps in the willful choice model (WCM)?
- Why should health care leaders follow the rational decision-making process in making decisions?
- What external environmental factors influence a strategic plan that should be made aware to the health care leader?
- What internal factors influence a strategic plan that should be made aware to the health care leader?
Deliverable Requirements
Your change evaluation should be 5 pages in length. Be sure to cite your sources using APA properly; include your references and in-text citations.
Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following: