
Create an E-R model based on the following scenarios:
Note: https://app.diagrams.net/ is a free web application for
creating diagrams. I have provided a video showing how to use
this application. You are welcome to use the modeling software
of your choice (Visio, Lucid Charts, etc.). Your models must use
crows’ foot notation. Cardinality and modality are
not required this week.

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a. At Woof and Wisdom Training LLC, a client is identified by a
client number. Each client has a first name, last name, address,
state, zip code, and phone number.
b. At Woof and Wisdom Training LLC, a pet is identified by a pet id.
Each pet has a species, name, and date of birth.
c. Woof and Wisdom Training LLC teaches many courses. Each
course is identified by a course number. A course has a name,
start date, end date, and location.
d. At Woof and Wisdom Training LLC, a pet is identified by a pet id.
Each pet has a species, name, and date of birth. A client is
identified by a client number. Each client has a first name, last
name, address, state, zip code, and phone number. It is assumed
that a client may have many pets, but a pet will only belong to
one client.
e. Woof and Wisdom Training LLC teaches many courses. Each
class is identified by a course number. A course has a name,
start date, end date, and location.  A pet may take many
different courses with Woof and Wisdom Training. A course may
have more than one pet registered. Woof and Wisdom Training
would like to keep a record of what pets attended which classes,
what grade they received, and their registration date. You will need three entities to model this scenario properly. As a hint, think of the relationship between the pet and
course entities.  

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