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Cognitive Complexity Metrics and its Impact on Software Reliability Based on

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Cognitive Software Development Model

Dharmender Singh Kushwaha and A.K.Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Moti Lal Nehru National Institute Of Technology
Allahabad, India.


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  • Abstract
  • Software metrics provide a quantitative basis for the development
    and validation of models of software development process.
    Information gained from metrics is used in managing the
    development process in order to improve the reliability and quality
    of software product. The software metric is used to estimate
    various parameters of software development lifecycle such as cost,
    schedule productivity, quality and reliability. In this paper, an
    attempt has been made to frame the cognitive complexity metrics
    that will aid in increasing the reliability of software product being
    developed during the development lifecycle.

    Cognitive Software Development Model,Cognitive
    Documentation Complexity, Metacognition, Cognitive Software
    Inspection Process, Cognitive Requirement Engineering.

  • 1. Introduction
  • Metrics are a useful means for monitoring progress, attaining more
    accurate estimation of milestones and developing a software
    system that contains minimal faults thus improving the quality.
    Measures are necessary to identify weaknesses of the development
    process. They also prompt the necessary corrective activities and
    enable us to monitor the results. Hence they act as feedback
    mechanism that plays a vital role in the improvement of the
    software development process. There is an urgent need of software
    metrics to monitor the software development process for
    improving the overall quality of the software . Since complexity
    metrics are a significant and determinant factor of a systems
    success or failure, there is always a higher risk involved when the
    complexity measurement is ignored. Software metrics have been
    used for over three decades to assess or predict properties of
    software systems, but success has been limited by factors such as
    lack of sound models, the difficulty of conducting controlled
    repeatable experiments in educational or commercial context, and
    the inability to compare data obtained by different researchers.

    It is hypothesized that an overly complex code (i.e. an unstructured
    code with low cohesion) will be difficult to maintain and is likely
    to be unreliable. In order to create software, our design decisions,
    cognition, metacognition learning process and problem
    comprehensibility should be able to guide us to create software
    such that overall complexity is reduced. The most efficient way to
    deal with developing reliable software for large systems is by
    creating smaller modules. Weyuker’s [7] property 5 (∀P)( ∀Q)(|P|

    ≤ |P;Q| and |Q| ≤ |P;Q|) just aims to achieve this. The implication
    of this property is that as the size of program segment is increased,
    its complexity should also increase. Hence the divide and conquers
    technique which relies on decomposing the original problem into
    sub-problems with well defined interactions will lead to a
    structured design that will make the software reliable and

    Cognitive aspects focus on the ease of understanding or the
    property of comprehension. Comprehension is the key feature that
    distinguishes any entity as being complex or simple.
    Comprehensibility of a problem helps in efficient design solution
    and improvement of software product quality. Thus property of
    comprehensibility can be used in all the different phases of
    software engineering.

    2. Cognitive Software Development Model

    Kushwaha and Misra [5] have proposed Cognitive Software
    Development Model, with emphasis on cognitive aspects. This
    cognitive model of software development is based on the
    following broad phenomena:

    • Cognitive process of requirement engineering;
    • Cognitive system analysis;
    • Cognitive system design;
    • Assigning team members to different tasks based on the

    cognitive phenomena;
    • Cognitive approach to software inspection and testing;
    • Cognitive documentation style.

    The cognitive software development model of software
    development is illustrated in fig.1
    It can be inferred from the cognitive software development model
    that the phases that also contribute to software reliability are:

    1. Cognitive phenomena based team member selection;
    2. Human centric requirement engineering;
    3. Cognitive software inspection, a part of testing;
    4. Documentation based on cognitive phenomena and
    5. Validation by Metrics.

    Hence the following sections of our paper will elaborate on how
    above-mentioned factors and metrics will help in development of
    reliable software systems.

    ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes Page 1 March 2006 Volume 31 Number 2

  • 3. Reliability
  • The basic requirement for software system is correctness. A
    program is correct if the output satisfies the output requirements
    for every input specified by the input requirements. There are
    active and passive approaches to achieve program correctness. The
    active approach takes the form of program correctness proofs.
    Passive approach takes the form of traditional testing and
    debugging. Since testing can only indicate the presence of bugs,
    not their absence, hence it is not possible to estimate the number of
    bugs remaining in the software system. Hence testing cannot
    guarantee program correctness. Based on the above reasoning the
    reliability of software can be defined as the probability that the
    subsequent execution and invocation of the program is also
    Our approach to reliability is based on the theory of “Prevention is
    better than cure”. To achieve this, we propose our metrics that are
    constructive, analytic and cognitive in approach. We begin with
    human centric approach of requirement engineering in the next

    4. Cognitive Process of Requirement Engineering

    Until now, the requirement engineering has focused on the
    following areas:

    • Abstract functional requirements;

    • Non-

    • System
    such as

    • System and

    The areas that have a
    major impact in

    engineering but often
    ignored are:

    • They do not

    between the
    client and the
    end user.
    Since client is
    the one who
    first comes in
    contact with
    the software
    engineer /


    the vendor

    and the end user is the one who has to use the software.
    The perspectives of both shall be different and should be
    gathered carefully.


    Cognitive Process of
    Requirement Engineering




    Interface Design

    Validation by

    Implementation /







    n based


    Figure 1:Cognitive Software development moel

    • Client is not able to describe and establish the cognition
    and psychological level of the end users of the proposed

    • The requirement analysis is not performed from the users
    point of view and as such system oriented requirement
    analysis is performed

    • The requirement-gathering phase doesn’t distinguish
    between low level details and cognition characteristics of
    these details.

    • System oriented design fails to uncover the need for
    domain specific training of the end user or change in
    human organization.

    The cognitive requirement-engineering model is proposed to
    provide a holistic description of cognitive characteristics of the
    system under study (including the cognitive characteristics of the
    end user). Cognitive characteristics capture information such as
    user preferences. These also help in understanding the cognitive
    phenomena of the user, which will help in streamlining further
    interactions with the users in producing reliable software. We
    propose a model to describe the cognitive characteristics of the
    different user as depicted in fig. 2.
    The requirement analyst has the responsibility of analyzing the
    requirements and views. The requirement gathering, if properly

    ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes Page 2 March 2006 Volume 31 Number 2

    classified depending on the kind of user interacted with, will
    provide for a total system view, thereby reducing the number of
    interactions and the rework. These views can be organized as a
    tuple [RTP, RPROF, RAMAT, RNOV] representing requirements of top
    management, professional, amateur or novice user. Once the
    analyst is able to categorize the viewpoint of the users at different
    hierarchies with varying cognitive phenomena, the overall system
    developed will be in total synch not only with the explicitly stated
    requirements but also with the implicit ones. Also the information
    domain of the system to be developed must be clearly understood.

    The requirement-engineering model is depicted in fig. 3. The
    person who is the catalyst behind the request for the software will
    play a key role in extending the need analysis and hence carrying
    out the requirement analysis. Once proper requirement engineering
    has been carried out, we can safely proceed to problem analysis.
    This will reduce the amount of rework.







    Professional Amateur Novice

    Figure 2: Cognitive characteristics of user

    5. Cognitive Software Inspection and Team Member

    As the software system evolves and grows larger, the effort and
    cost needed by verification process grows astronomically. Dolan
    [6] reports a 30 times return on investment for every hour devoted
    to the software inspection. Software inspection process is still far
    from optimal, and one area that has seen limited research is the
    impact of team member selection on it.

    The bottlenecks of code inspection are:


    Of Organization

    of User

    Study and





    istics of



    Require –



    Figure 3 : Cognitive Requirement Engineering Model

    • Lack of research on team member selection
    • Incorrect selection mechanism of team members
    • Team members sharing / possessing similar view point to

    a particular problem

    ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes Page 3 March 2006 Volume 31 Number 2

    • It is a cognitive phenomenon, but unfortunately, it has
    been seen in terms of technical maturity of team member
    performing the code inspection.





    Design Deve loped

    Higher level

    Sub –



    To overcome the above bottlenecks, a cognitive model of team
    selection procedure for software inspection is proposed based on
    the functionalities best performed depending on the cognitive
    activity level of team members.


    Coding Testing Coding

    Review &
    Testing Testing Requireme






    Figure 4: Cognitive phenomena based team member selection mechanism

    ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes Page 4 March 2006 Volume 31 Number 2

    Wang [10], proposed cognitive phenomena, which classifies
    cognitive functions as sub-conscious, meta-cognitive and higher
    cognitive. Wang [8] described two types of programmers –
    realistic and idealistic. It is important issue to contrast and analyze
    the cognitive levels of the team members. It is agreed among
    researchers that increasing diversity among team members is the
    key to increasing the software inspection effectiveness. Hence
    creating inspection team with a combination of members from
    different cognitive levels will increase the effectiveness of code
    review, thereby reducing the testing effort.

    The difference between professionals and amateurs is whether
    their knowledge and skills are wired or temporary programmed in
    the brain [9]. For e.g. Professional software engineers possess
    wired skills in programming, and with a global view on software
    development. They focus not only on required functions, but also
    on exceptions-handling and fault tolerance. However, amateur
    programmers possess ad-hoc programming knowledge, eager to
    try what is directly required, and tend to focus on details without a
    global and systematic view. Hence software inspection and testing
    team should include members from this amateur category also,
    since they have the quality to have a narrow focus as illustrated in
    fig. 4. The amateurs try to deal with individual concepts before
    taking on the new ones are also candidate for testing and
    debugging. This will ascertain that the software inspection so
    carried out increases the reliability of software product.

    6. Cognitive Documentation Complexity (CDC)

    Very little attention has been paid to the comprehensibility of
    various documents created during software development lifecycle.
    If a novice is able to understand the various documents, then we
    are sure of creating a reliable and quality artifact. Cognitive
    documentation complexity of a class can be measured in terms of
    the cognitive phenomena and the associated weight. There are
    numerous documentation types that will speak about the level of
    useful information provided by the documentation. Even today,
    header information, comments and use of good identifier names
    are considered to be the quality factors of best documentation.
    These practices, do not count on the comprehensibility and the
    cognitive phenomenon of the mind that assists the software
    developer in reducing the comprehension effort and improving the
    coding standard.
    If the documentation provides reasonable amount of useful
    information about the class to a novice, average and expert
    software practitioner, it implies that ready understandability was
    present in the documentation of the class and is termed to be of
    high quality. On the contrary, if only expert practitioner
    understands the documentation, then the documentation quality is
    termed to be low. This also implies that sub-conscious cognitive
    functions (the one that are not wired) are not enough in
    comprehending the documentation. The classification of cognitive
    phenomenon is as described by Wang [10]. This is summarized in
    the table below.

    S.No Cognitive Phenomena associated with

    Quality of

    1. Sub – Conscious Cognitive function High-Quality

    2. Meta – Cognitive function Average-Quality

    3. Higher Cognitive functions Low-Quality

    Table 1: Quality of Documentation Based on Cognitive

    High quality documents are very useful and enable us to:

    • Enhance comprehensibility of software product
    • Reduce maintenance cost
    • Effectively exploit the system
    • Reduce re-engineering cost and effort.

    7. Cognitive Conceptual Complexity of Class / Module

    The syntactic metrics measure the complexity of the software. It is
    the details of implementation that determines the comprehension
    complexity [1, 2]. We also need some metrics to measure the
    psychological complexity that measures the difficulty of
    understanding of the software module. This psychological
    complexity is based on the number of distinct key concepts in the
    class or module and is defined as

    CCCC = ∑ [(No. of distinct Cognitive Concepts) * (Weight of

    i=1 Concept)]i

    Where ‘m’ is the number of distinct concepts in the class or

    The weighing factor of cognitive concepts is based on the
    classification of cognitive phenomenon as described by Wang [8],
    is as follows:

    S.No Cognitive Phenomena Weight

    1. Sub – Conscious Cognitive function 1

    2. Meta – Cognitive function 2

    3. Higher Cognitive functions 3

    Table 2: Weights Based on Cognitive Phenomena

    Higher weight indicates that greater amount of comprehension
    effort is required in understanding the software module under
    consideration. If there exists a distinct concept but is not
    understood by the practitioner (because he may be novice or semi-
    skilled), it is the subconscious life function that will guide him to
    identify it. Hence higher weight is associated with it. Higher
    cognitive functions will require lower comprehension effort and
    hence lower weight associated with it.

    The mind is an artifact model of oneself and a thinking engine.
    The mind, as a virtual model of a person in the brain, is partially
    programmed and partially wired. The former is evolved for the
    flexibility of the life functions while the latter is formed for the
    efficiency of frequently conducted activities. The complexity of
    the class can be calculated by using the CICM metric that is a
    robust cognitive complexity measure [3, 4].

  • 8. Conclusion
  • ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes Page 5 March 2006 Volume 31 Number 2

    This paper is based on the cognitive software development model.
    It has made an attempt to emphasize the importance of cognitive
    metrics and its impact in achieving reliable software development.
    It also identifies those areas that are vital to reliable software
    development process but have been either ignored or given lower
    degree of importance by the researcher community in the past. In
    future, we shall work to propose cognitive complexity metrics for
    all the phases of cognitive software development model in order to
    produce software that is not only reliable but is of highest quality.


    [1] Kushwaha, D.S. and Misra, A.K.,: A Complexity Measure
    Based on Information Contained in the Software, 5th WSEAS
    International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and
    Distributed Systems (SEPADS 2006), Madrid, Spain, To Appear,
    Feb. 2006.
    [2] Kushwaha, D.S. and Misra, A.K.: Cognitive Complexity
    Measure of Object-Oriented Software – A Practitioners Approach,
    5th WSEAS International Conference on Software Engineering,
    Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS 2006), Madrid, Spain,
    To Appear. Feb. 2006.
    [3] Kushwaha D.S.and.Misra A.K: “Robustness Analysis of
    Cognitive Information Complexity Measure using Weyuker
    Properties”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 31,
    No. 7, January 2006.
    [4] Kushwaha D.S.and.Misra A.K: “Evaluating Cognitive
    Information Complexity Measure ”, 13th Annual IEEE
    International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of
    Computer Based Systems (ECBS) To Appear,2006.
    [5] Kushwaha, D.S. and Misra, A.K.: A Cognitive Complexity
    Metric Suite for Object-Oriented Software”, WSEAS Transactions
    on Computers, To Appear, Feb. 2006.
    [6] E.P.Doolan, :Experience with Fagans Inspection Method,
    Software Practice and Experience. Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 173-182,
    Feb. 1992.
    [7] Weyuker, E.,: Evaluating software complexity measure. IEEE
    Transaction on Software Engineering Vol. 14(9): 1357-1365,
    [8] Wang,Y.,: On The Cognitive Informatics Foundations of
    Software Engineering, IEEE International Conference on
    Cognitive Informatics, 2004.
    [9] Wang,Y.,: On The Informatics Laws of Software, IEEE
    International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, 2004.
    [10] Wang,Y.,: On Cognitive Informatics, Keynote Lecture,
    Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cognitive
    Informatics, 2002, pp. 34 – 42.

    ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes Page 6 March 2006 Volume 31 Number 2

    • Cognitive Complexity Metrics and its Impact on Software Reliability Based on Cognitive Software Development Model
    • Abstract
      1. Introduction
      2. Cognitive Software Development Model
      Kushwaha and Misra [5] have proposed Cognitive Software Development Model, with emphasis on cognitive aspects. This cognitive model of software development is based on the following broad phenomena:
      3. Reliability
      Table 2: Weights Based on Cognitive Phenomena
      8. Conclusion

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