After watching the online video, answer the questions on the attached worksheet. Due on the 26th Link Below!
“AClass Divided” Worksheet
S. Santiago
When and where appropriate, draw on sociological terms to describe the tools
utilized in and/or the outcomes of the eye color exercises.
Sociological Terms/Concepts
Discrimination Scapegoat Assimilation
Prejudice Racism Affirmative Action
Stereotypes Sexism Dominant group
Labeling In-Group Subordinate group
Selective Perception Out-group Segregation
Self-fulfilling Prophesy Authority Generalization
1. Describe the first exercise undertaken by Jane Elliot.
2. Why did she originally implement this exercise?
3. Who decided who was superior or inferior? Why is that significant?
4. How did dividing the children by eye color effect the behavior of the children?
5. How did dividing the children by eye color effect the self-image of the children?
6. How did dividing the children by eye color effect the academic performance of the
7. What were the social conditions that were created in the exercise with the adults?
8. What were the tools utilized by the Elliot and the brown-eyed adults against the blue-
eyed group?
9. What effect did the division by eye color have on the adult subordinate group?
10. What other sociological insights can you draw from the film?