1. Assume that an operating system is written for a machine architecture that has the following attributes:

1. Assume that an operating system is written for a machine architecture that has the following attributes:
(a) a single processor, with some fixed number M of CPU registers
(b) base-limit register addressing
(c) a fixed set of N peripheral devices at known bus addresses
Assume furthermore that:
_ The process scheduler uses information about how much processor time a process has had and how long it has been in existence to decide which process to run next.
_ The operating system keeps track of which processes have created which other processes. _ Processes can signal each other as a means of synchronizing their respective behaviors. Signals are small integer values.
_ Processes can share their executable code.
Write a pseudo-code description of a PCB that could be used by such an operating system. What members must be part of the PCB? What are their data types?

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