Accounting Role in Digital Business Model Valuation

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Course Project: (Accounting Role in Digital Business Model Valuation)
In early 2022, globally there were over than 900 venture capital-backed
companies(VCBCs)across logistics, marketing, manufacturing, insurance,
fintech, transportation, food, hospitalities, healthcare, education and many
others with total cumulative
over $3 trillion
(see the growing importance of VCBCs, as a unicorn
breeding industry, and as a powerful driving force for economic growth in
many countries around the world, its valuation has remained to be a black box.
As motivating examples, in 2018 Uber’s value was estimated between $48 and
$70 billion, despite the company financial statements were showing losses over
2017, and 2016. Also in 2016,Microsoft paid $26 billion for LinkedIn even though
the company financial stamen were showing this is a loss-making business.
Recently, some studies have revealed that US tech unicorns were
overvaluated from their fair market. Add to this WeWork as a simple real
estate business model that received $47 billions market valuation upon
its embattle to go for IPO. Consequently, VCBCs’ IPOs today becomes
very sensitive matter because of this valuation mystery.
Students are required to explore the state of VCBCs’ business models in a
selected local or international organization in the era of the sharing economy,
and the state and extent of using accounting techniques in making the right
decisions under the impact of recent technological developments (Assets-light
Business models). Students are required to explain the usefulness of and the
barriers to the adoption of the specified accounting techniques in these new
forms of business models.
Guidelines: Your assignment should not exceed a 3000-word article and should
be word processed using MS-Word (preferably). It should have a cover page,
and contain your full name, university ID number and your selected
organization’s information. Finally, you should (have to) submit your
assignment on Thursday, 11-11- 2021, at 5 pm, for students to present and
discuss their main findings during the last meeting.
The assessment rubric in this task will be based on responsive assessment
criteria to leverage the unique set of qualifications of our EMBA students, who
have long industrial experiences. Therefore, the assessment is responsive to the
overall unique value each of you will bring to the table. Generally, the
evaluation in these tasks will focus on certain skills and abilities, such as Active
Learning; Analytical Thinking; Attention to Detail; Dependability; Integrity;
Problem-Solving; Time Management; Responsibility; Autonomy; Originality;
and Critical Thinking.
Points to be Evaluated
∑ Max Points 10
2. Drivers for the corporate social engagement
3.Implementationofthesocialpolicyintothe company
4. Planning and implementing the relief campaign:
Risks and challenges
5. Evaluation of the campaign: Lessons learnt
6. Wrap up

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