Simple Machines WebQuest

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Use the Simple Machines WebQuest handout provided in the handout section, NOT the one provided on the website. Submit your completed handout here.


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Simple Machines

Name: Madison Class: Physical Science Date: 5/9/13

Use the provided web sites to complete Sections I and II. You may find it helpful to read over all the questions before beginning your web research.

Section I: Characteristics of Simple Machines

1. What is meant by the term simple machine?

2. Complete the following chart. The first row has been filled in for you.

Simple Machine



How it Makes a Job Easier

Inclined plane

Ramp; slide

Slanted surface used to raise an object

Decreases the force by increasing the distance

3. Draw and label diagrams representing first-class, second-class, and third-class levers.

Section II: Compound Machines

4. What is meant by the term compound machine?

5. Complete the following chart, listing all of the simple machines found in a lawn mower. The first row has been filled in for you.

Simple Machine

Lawn Mower Part




Moving inclined plane that is used to cut something

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