Business Question

Option 1(Need a knowledge of accounting rules)
In the Module 5 homework, there are 3 large Accounting Issues related to the way the company
is classifying their data.
Use data tool to find two of the issues that the you think the auditor would like to understand and
document. Show the work you used to find the issues. Explain how the use of these excel tools
aided you in discovering these issues and show your work.

Perform your work in the Module 5 workbook.
Enter your answer on a new worksheet called Extra Credit. Keep your answer to just a
couple of paragraphs.
Note, there are three glaring issues that you should be able to find. If you find 2 of them,
tell me the tools you used to find them and show your work so I know you use excel data
tools to find them, I will give you the full pts.
The extra credit score will be based on:
o How significant the impact will be of the two issues you found.
o The tools you used to find the issues.
o Your explanation of the process you used.
Option 2
You are the CFO for this company. Use the data tools you learned to find 2 issues that you
would like your accounting team to address over the next calendar year. Your proposals must be
Use data tools to find two of the issues. Show your work so I can see the tools you used to find
the issues. Explain how the use of the excel tools aided you in discovering these issues and show
your work.

Perform your work in the Module 5 workbook.
Enter your answer on a new worksheet called Extra Credit. Keep your answer to just a
couple of paragraphs.
Note, there are a number of glaring issues that you should be able to find. You just need
to find two.
The extra credit score will be based on:
o How significant the impact will be of the two issues you found.
o The tools you used to find the issues.
o Your explanation of the process you used.

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