Global Marketing

Assignment #1 MRK 460 Global MarketingARITZIA Global Marketing Analysis
Total Marks is 100 – Assignment is worth 15% of Final Grade
The purpose of this assignment is to do a Global Marketing situation analysis for
Aritzia. We start by looking at the overall market and then refine down to the
market that directly relates to that operated in by Aritzia. Students should do
online research both inside and outside the college to learn and capture the
information to complete the assignment.
Details on report format
1) Produce a written report with title, table of contents, body which covers
key elements requested by each section.
2) All references and material must be cited. (APA citation format is
3) Word Document Format. You can include visuals, photos and diagrams as
needed to support answers and your point of view.
4) Length is up to the writer but should be kept to a reasonable length and
focused on the answering the key questions asked in the assignment.
5) The report has 5 key sections. (listed below)
Company Overview 10 Marks
Key Items in this Section
1) Describe the company, history, products and services, executive and key
staff, overall staff levels. Retail locations, revenue, profit/or loss, same
store sales trend and stock history.
2) What makes Arizia unique in the marketplace and for the customers it
Market Evaluation and Assessment 20 Marks
Key Items in this Section
3) Size of Apparel and Accessories Marketplace, Globally, North America, and
4) Size of the Women’s Apparel and Accessories Marketplace Globally, North
America and Canada
5) Market Segments Served– outline the different demographic and segments
targeted and served by Aritizia.
6) Outline the different Trends and Changes in the Young Women’s Apparel
and Accessory Retail Marketplace– technology, products, services, stores,
brands, and other items.
7) Other Trends and Changes in Retail Industry
Competitive Assessment 20 Marks
This section outlines the competitive landscape in the Women’s Retail Apparel
and Accessories Industry
Key Items
1) Name the 4 largest Global Competitors to Aritzia
2) For each competitor describe why you believe they are similar and a direct
competitor to Aritzia.
3) For each competitor describe key elements of their business – number of
stores, staff levels, revenue, profit, markets served, growth rate or other
financial information like market cap if available.
4) For each competitor describe their target customer demographics
5) For each competitor describe what is unique or different about them that
allows them to compete and capture their share and portion of the market.
Aritzia Capability Assessment: 50 Marks
This is an assessment of Arizia and needs to include the following elements.
SWOT Analysis: 20 Marks (5 Marks Per SWOT Section)
1) This section needs to include a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and
threat) assessment and analysis with a minimum of 5 key points per SWOT
element (i.e. 5 strength items, 5 weaknesses, 5 opportunities, 5 threats).
Strategy: 15 Marks
Using the SWOT Analysis and your research what should the strategic focus of
ARITZIA be based on the market changes, competition, swot, and trends and
changes in the industry. Where should they focus and how can they remain
competitive and successful.
Marketing Programs and Brand Positioning & Map: 15 Marks
Provide an overview of the current marketing programs executed by Aritzia to
drive customer, revenue, and overall store growth.
Outline ARITZIA’s unique Brand positioning. Outline the brand positioning for
Aritzia that includes: (unique point of difference/Consumer Benefits that others
don’t offer), should also include (reason for consumer to believe).
Create a Brand Positioning map Chose a horizontal and vertical axis to map your
brand positioning:
The map should include Aritzia and the 4 key competitors you selected in the
competitive assessment. See example below. You can pick the axes elements you
feel best positions the different competitors and Aritzia in the marketplace.
Brand Positioning Example

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