book summary

Book Summary

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Write an executive summary of the book Five For Your First Five. The length of the summary should be between 750 to 1000 words.

Ensure you indicate to who the book might be of interest and whether you would recommend this book to others. Think critically about what you read and include specific details from the text. Use the format below for the executive summary.

Format for the Executive Summary:

Discussion of the book’s contents – What are the author’s main points? What is the area of the book’s focus?  Who is the target audience?

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Interpretation of book’s contents – Was it well written?  Was it interesting? Discuss the relevance to your life and/or your future career aspirations.

Critical assessment of the book’s contents –  What areas do you disagree with the author?  What could the author do to strengthen the book?  Are there any areas that seem to be unsubstantiated or invalid?

Recommendation – Do you recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about the specific area of study? Who would you recommend the book to? Who would benefit most from the book?  Explain and support your recommendation

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