Complete the formal analytical report that you described in your proposal. The report must do the following:
- define a problem,
- analyze the criteria for a satisfactory solution,
- propose one or more alternative solutions, and
- argue for the solution that satisfies the criteria best.
The problem may involve an institutional, technical, or public policy issue that you are working on or have worked on in your other courses; or it may be something related to an organization to which you belong, or it may be related to a job that you’ve held or now hold, or it may be a new area that you are interested in.
The solution to the problem may involve coming up with an original design, choosing between available alternatives, or providing needed information. See this report as a place to demonstrate everything that you’ve learned so far about communication in writing in this course.
This report will be done over the next few weeks with specific parts you will submit each week.
-Week 5: Focus on organizing data. Work on writing. Parts of the report. (Turn in a rough draft of all the info meaning it’s not perfect this is just to see you start to put the work together and show a working draft). I will give you feedback to make the final changes for your final to turn in.