Discussion post

Using the full case opinion of Wade v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (found in the Discussion Boards Assignments Module and the Week 7 module in Learning Modules in Blackboard), set forth in your own words a summary of the court’s ruling based on the facts and each of the legal issues in the case, which were summarized in Discussion Board Assignment #2. (Use the legal issues that the instructor included in the Announcements after the due date for Discussion Board Assignment #2 to complete this assignment.) You should write a separate paragraph (at least) on the court’s analysis of each one of the issues. The court’s ruling can be found on page 5, paragraphs 21-23, and page 8, paragraphs 38-44 of the opinion. However, you should re-read the entire opinion before beginning this assignment. Do not copy the language of the case opinion. Use the full court opinion, not the abridged opinion in the book.

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Once you have completed your initial post containing a summary of the court’s ruling on each of the legal issues in your own words, review your fellow students’ posts and respond in a substantive way to one or more of those posts. Simple agreement is not enough — you must provide comments and your opinion of their review of the court’s ruling.

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