9-1 Project Submission: Communication Strategy for Adaptive Leadership Toolkit


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You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. The organization has been in business since 1999 and employs over 350 people in its Tampa, Florida, headquarters and three plant locations across the Southwest. While the business is currently based in the United States, the organization is exploring ways to move into Canadian markets within the next three years. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices are rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.

To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment and turned this into a personal development plan. Then you shared this artifact with your manager. Your manager was impressed with the thoroughness of the personal development plan and saw value in incorporating it as an exemplar within the adaptive leadership toolkit for use by all people leaders in the organization. After receiving such positive feedback, you moved forward with creating the rest of the adaptive leadership toolkit.

Your manager has shared the adaptive leadership toolkit that you created with the CHRO, and it was well received. The CHRO wants to distribute this toolkit to all leaders throughout the organization—supervisors and above—and asks you to create a communication strategy that will help in the rollout and implementation of the adaptive leadership toolkit. For this project, you will create that communication strategy.


Overview: In this part of the communication strategy, you will summarize the business problems the organization is currently experiencing and provide an overview of trends from your analysis. You will also explain how a personal development plan and adaptive leadership toolkit can provide solutions to these challenges.

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Summarize the business problems the organization is currently facing and describe how the personal development plan and adaptive leadership toolkit will address them. Why was the personal development plan created?Why was the adaptive leadership toolkit developed?Summarize trends in leadership strengths observed in your analysis of the employee satisfaction survey and describe how they relate to the leadership skills and behaviors included in the adaptive leadership toolkit. In which areas did leadership score well?How did your analysis help to inform skills and behaviors included in the adaptive leadership toolkit?Summarize trends in leadership weaknesses observed in your analysis of the employee satisfaction survey and describe how they relate to the leadership skills and behaviors included in the adaptive leadership toolkit. In which areas did leadership not score well?How did your analysis help to inform skills and behaviors included in the adaptive leadership toolkit?

Personal Development Plan: In this part of the communication strategy, you will describe the personal development plan in further detail. You will include how the personal development plan supports the adaptive leadership toolkit and the value it will bring once the entire toolkit is rolled out.

Summarize the importance of including a personal development plan in the adaptive leadership toolkit and explain the value it will bring to the organization.How does the personal development plan support the adaptive leadership toolkit?How do the strategies within the personal development plan address the business problems the organization is currently facing?

  • Explain how the personal development plan and SMART goal setting could help develop the leadership styles of the leaders within the organization.
  • Adaptive Leadership Toolkit: In this part of the communication strategy, you will describe the adaptive leadership toolkit in further detail. You will include how and who the adaptive leadership toolkit brings value to within the organization.

    Describe how the adaptive leadership toolkit will be used and who within the organization will manage it. Your response should address the following:Who is the target audience for the adaptive leadership toolkit?Who are the owners of the adaptive leadership toolkit?

  • Describe the specific leadership skills and behaviors that are included in the adaptive leadership toolkit and explain how developing these skills and behaviors will address the business problems the organization currently faces. Use trends from the employee satisfaction survey to support your response.
  • Rollout and Implementation: In this part of the communication strategy, you will provide more details around the rollout and implementation of the adaptive leadership toolkit throughout the organization.

  • Provide a timeframe for rollout and implementation of the adaptive leadership toolkit and justify how this strategy supports the organization’s goal of improving leadership skills and behaviors over the next two years.
  • Describe the metrics and deliverables associated with the rollout and implementation of the adaptive leadership toolkit. Your response should address the following:How will the success of this rollout and implementation be measured?What are some important milestones to consider for tracking progress?Determine methods for communicating the relevance of the adaptive leadership toolkit to stakeholders within the organization. Your response should address the following:How should this be communicated to leadership to help gain buy-in?How should this be communicated to its intended users to help gain buy-in?Describe the feedback and communication strategy associated with continuous improvements to the adaptive leadership toolkit. Your response should address the following:How can employees provide feedback on any roadblocks, issues, or ideas for improvement?How will updates to the adaptive leadership toolkit be communicated from leadership down to employees? 1
    Milestone One
    Yusef Robinson
    Michael Hull
    MBA 530
    2 June 2024
    Milestone one
    Part 1: Self-assessment
    Leadership behaviour that ranked lowest
    The leadership behaviour with the lowest score, summing up to 42, was inspiring a shared
    vision. Leaders play wide-ranging roles while leading people or directing a group of individuals.
    A leader cannot work in isolation, nor can they develop a vision and fail to share it with the team
    that should help in the implementation. Hence, a group of people with a leader should at least
    have some sense of direction and objective to attain by ensuring the leader can have a vision for
    them and determine ways of achieving it. Though a group can have a vision, it is a different thing
    inspiring the vision to support its attainment. I scored below average in this leadership behaviour,
    which is very important for any leader. I discovered that visionary leaders are most preferred due
    to their ability to cause change through creating vision and inspiring the people towards attaining
    it. In this case, I understood that ‘inspire a shared vision’ is the ability to define a group’s vision,
    clarify it to the followers, and encourage the entire team to work towards attaining the vision.
    Importance of developing the behaviour
    There are leaders with good leadership styles, especially when it comes to being
    visionary. They can easily develop some unique visions that can be life-changing and impactful.
    However, the main problem is always the need for help in inspiring such a vision. Despite the
    ability to communicate the vision to the group, they fail to motivate the people, constantly
    reminding them of the need to attain the vision. There is an urgent need to improve ways of
    inspiring a shared vision to become a more competent leader. Some of the importance of
    improving the skills are improved ability to meet the group goals, having a motivated and
    committed team, and high morale among the followers while also helping in problem-solving,
    especially if barriers are hindering the attainment of the vision. Working with a group can be
    challenging at times, especially if the members are demoralized and seem to lose focus.
    However, inspiring a shared vision helps to make them understand their responsibility and hence
    take necessary action. Besides, it generally improves the teams’ morale, making it easy to lead
    them since they will be aware of what they want to achieve and have a sense of self-direction and
    necessary cooperation towards attaining the vision. Even when a vision seems challenging to
    achieve, inspiration from a leader helps change people’s mindsets and, hence, works towards
    finding solutions or attaining the vision. Besides, involving the entire team while encouraging
    team spirit is also important.
    Leadership behaviour that ranked the highest
    The leadership behaviour with the highest score concerned encouraging the heart. When
    working in a group, as a leader, encouraging the heart means the ability to recognize members’
    inputs and appreciate them at a personal level. Besides, it includes appreciating the positive
    values supporting the attainment of the group goals through the people’s collaboration. When
    working with a group as a leader, the members are always with different personalities and
    behaviours. Not all members might be committed to working towards the same direction. Rather,
    some might contribute to delays in attaining some of the visions, while others may work
    tirelessly even without extrinsic motivation to ensure vision attainment. In this case, a leader
    should encourage a heart that is self-driven and committed to ensure high performance. The best
    way to encourage the heart is by considering individual contribution, which helps in promoting
    group success. While encouraging individuals and appreciating their efforts, it is also important
    to encourage the entire team to operate as a group, unlike with divisions or in isolation. It is
    possible to have members in a team who need a constant appreciation of their efforts to be
    motivated more. Therefore, encouraging such hearts ensures that the group does not suffer any
    potential decline in performance due to the leaders’ failure to encourage them.
    How encouraging the heart supports a leader’s effectiveness
    Some of the key elements of an effective leader that a leader with the ability to
    ‘encourage the heart’ can support are confidence, integrity, empathy and inspiration. Team
    members need to have the confidence to perform by meeting the shared group vision and
    surpassing the set targets—lack of confidence results in increased struggle whereby an individual
    doubts their potential to deliver the required results. However, by encouraging the heart, the
    leader is likely to discover some of the person’s strengths and abilities they are yet to explore and
    hence encourage them to use them and improve their performance. In the process, the
    encouraged individual gets motivated and develops a different attitude and mindset about
    themselves. Integrity, as the moral courage that enables a person to do the right thing, can also be
    triggered by encouraging a person’s heart. In this case, a leader will remind the members of the
    importance of being true to oneself, responsible and honest not only when in private but also
    when operating with others. In this case, leadership behaviour will help transform people who
    are mostly untrue to themselves and others. Hence, they can change and become trustworthy and
    responsible, which are critical virtues that are required among people.
    Part II: Adaptive Leadership Toolkit
    Prompt 1
    Organizational leadership should focus on improving leadership behaviours, such as
    encouraging the heart and challenging the process. From the results of the employee satisfaction
    survey, it is evident that the organization had various weaknesses in terms of recognizing,
    praising and rewarding the employees (Huang, 2020). Most employees also suffered low job
    satisfaction levels within four years. Despite their commitment to ensure exemplary
    performance, the organizational leaders should have recognized the efforts of the employees,
    which resulted in demoralization. The organization needed leaders who mastered the art of
    encouraging the heart. In this case, reward and recognition would be possible, hence managing
    the challenge of increased staff turnover. Besides, the organizational leaders should have
    challenged the process such as through introducing small rewards to motivate non-performers to
    be innovative and creative enough to support goal attainment. Development of the areas will
    counter the business problem of low job satisfaction levels and increased turnover rates,
    introducing the new to hire other employees to fill the vacated positions (Sell & Cleal, 2011).
    The business will thus enjoy high performance from the available team, which will increase job
    satisfaction levels, especially through recognition and rewards for their efforts.
    Part II
    According to the results of the employee satisfaction survey, the organization performs
    best in modelling the way. Over the years, the company has always presented favourable results
    in terms of having an articulate mission and vision to support the organizational decision-making
    process while also showing concern for both employees and customers. Maintaining such
    performance as a leader will help them to be accountable for the existing customer-employee
    relationship. Besides, ensuring clarity of the organizational mission and vision motivates a good
    understanding of the employees and their leaders, hence fostering improved communication.
    Huang, W.-R. (2020). Job training satisfaction, job satisfaction, and job performance. Career
    Development and Job Satisfaction. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.89117
    Sell, L., & Cleal, B. (2011). Job satisfaction, work environment, and rewards: Motivational
    theory revisited. LABOUR, 25(1), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.14679914.2010.00496.x
    MBA 530 GROW Model Template
    Name: Yusef Robinson
    Date: 22 June 2024
    Identified Trends
    The first noticeable trend is the decrease in Job satisfaction levels over the
    four years. In particular, the results showed that employees were less satisfied each year
    with their jobs, the way supervisors appreciated their work and their pay. Additionally,
    they were less proud to be part of the company each year over the past four years.
    Secondly, there was a decrease in the percentage of employees who felt
    they were being recognized and praised for their efforts each year over the four years.
    Specifically, the percentage of employees who felt they were being recognized based on
    merit and those who felt that their work gave them a sense of accomplishment decreased
    over the four years.
    The third noticeable trend was the decrease in employees who felt they
    were being recognized and rewarded for their excellent performances. Specifically, over
    the four years, the percentage of employees who reported that their excellent performance
    was recognized and rewarded by the company decreased yearly.
    Even though the survey included several focus areas, some of the focus areas
    impacted others. Specifically, reward and recognition, recognition and praise, and
    training and development can impact employees’ job satisfaction levels (Singh, 2023).
    For instance, good working conditions and the ability of managers to recognize and
    reward best-performing employees can boost morale and result in higher job satisfaction
    Employee Survey Results Data
    Figure 1
    Job satisfaction levels over the four years
    Job satisfaction
    % favorable results
    My job makes
    I am very
    My supervisor
    My pay is
    good use of my satisfied with
    skills and
    my job
    appreciation for with others
    the work that I places that I
    could work
    Current Year
    Two Years Ago
    I am proud to
    be a part of this
    Four Years Ago
    Figure 2
    Percentage of employees who felt they were being recognized and praised for their
    Percent Favorable results
    Recognition and praise
    Current Year
    Two Years Ago
    Four Years Ago
    Axis Title
    Recognizes employees based on merit, i.e., accomplishments, successes.
    I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things
    My work gives me a sense of personal accomplishment
    Figure 3
    Percentage of employees who felt they were being recognized and rewarded for their
    Focus Areas
    Job satisfaction is the first focus area that should be improved to improve
    the company’s performance. In particular, as pointed out above, job satisfaction levels
    have dropped over the four years. A decrease in employees’ job satisfaction levels results
    in high turnover rates and poor performance, affecting the company’s financial
    performance. For this reason, the company needs to adopt strategies that will improve job
    satisfaction rates.
    The second focus area is recognition and praise. The need to improve this
    focus area is because the trend of the percentage of employees who feel they are being
    recognized and praised for their work has been downward over the four years.
    Additionally, when employees feel they are not being praised for their excellent
    performance, they are likely to have low job satisfaction levels.
    The third focus area that needs improvement is the reward and recognition
    focus area. Improvements are needed because the percentage of employees who reported
    that they feel their excellent work is recognized and rewards dropped over the four years.
    The decrease in the percentage of employees who are happy with how the company
    recognizes and rewards their excellent performance is a cause for concern. In particular,
    this focus area impacts employees’ job satisfaction levels and the company’s overall
    Reality—Current State
    Currently, employees’ job satisfaction levels are at their lowest compared
    to four years ago. In particular, employees feel that their pay no longer gives them the
    level of satisfaction it did four years ago, and a significant number of employees are not
    proud to be part of the company. If the trend continues, the impact on the survey results
    would be significantly low job satisfaction levels and high turnover rates.
    Over the four years in which the survey was conducted, the lowest results
    relating to the percentage of employees feeling recognized and rewarded for their effort
    were reported in the current year. If the decreasing number of employees who feel they
    are being recognized and praised for their excellent performance persists, then job
    satisfaction levels are likelier to decrease over time. Job satisfaction levels will decrease
    because of low morale caused by employees feeling less appreciated by the company for
    their excellent performance.
    Over the four years in which the survey was conducted, the current year
    they had the lowest percentage of employees who felt that they were being recognized
    and rewarded for their excellent job. The potential impact of the results is a decrease in
    employees’ job satisfaction levels. In particular, as more employees feel that their work is
    not receiving the recognition it deserves, they will be less happy to work for the
    company, contributing to low satisfaction levels.
    Desired Future State—Where Would You Like to Be?
    The first goal is to improve job satisfaction levels by 10% over the next
    two years. The impact of improved job satisfaction is improved performance.
    Additionally, turnover rates will decrease due to more employees becoming proud to
    work for the company.
    The second goal encompasses increasing by 10% the percentage of
    employees who feel their excellent performance is being recognized and praised. In so
    doing, job satisfaction levels are expected to rise, resulting in low turnover rates.
    The third goal is to increase the percentage of employees who feel their
    excellent performance will be recognized and rewarded by the company by 10%.
    Appreciating and rewarding employees for their excellent performance will encourage
    them to perform better or to maintain good performances, thus enabling the company to
    attain its goals.
    Identified Gaps—Obstacles
    An obstacle that may prevent the improvement of job satisfaction levels
    by 10% over the next two years is limited financial resources. In particular, one of the
    factors that contributed to the low job satisfaction levels was the low pay compared to
    competitive salaries for similar positions in the job market. Thus, financial resources are
    needed to provide employees with compensation levels that are competitive in the job
    market. Additionally, financial and human resources are needed to implement employee
    training programs that are necessary to improve employees’ skills, which they need to
    execute work-related tasks efficiently (Singh, 2023).
    Secondly, an obstacle that may prevent an increase in the percentage of
    employees who feel their excellent performance is being recognized and praised by 10%
    is organizational culture. Specifically, there is a need to change the company’s
    organizational culture, which encompasses the company’s values, attitudes and beliefs, to
    influence the behavior of employees (Collins, 2021).
    Thirdly, obstacles that may prevent an increase in the percentage of
    employees who feel their excellent performance will be recognized and rewarded by the
    company by 10% are limited financial resources and the company’s organizational
    culture. Specifically, financial resources are needed to reward employees for their
    excellent performance. Additionally, there is a need to change the company’s
    organizational culture to ensure it facilitates the recognition of best-performing
    employees (Collins, 2021).
    Goal Revision
    The first goal, which is to improve job satisfaction levels by 10% over the
    next two years, should not be revised because of the impact that the attainment of this
    goal will have on the company’s performance. For this reason, there is a need for the
    company to acquire the financial resources it needs to improve job satisfaction levels
    through equity or debt financing to enable the company to improve its performance.
    The second goal is revised by reducing the percentage of employees who
    will feel their excellent performance is being recognized and praised to 5% within the
    next two years because changes to the company’s organizational culture should be
    implemented gradually. In other words, it may take more than two years for employees to
    adapt to a new organizational culture needed to facilitate the attainment of this goal
    (Collins, 2021).
    Similarly, the third goal is revised by reducing the percentage of
    employees who are expected to feel their excellent performance will be recognized and
    rewarded by the company to 7.5% within the next two years because of the need to
    introduce a new organizational culture gradually (Collins, 2021). Thus, even though the
    company can improve its reward system by obtaining more funds through equity or debt
    financing, it will take a while for employees to adapt to a new organizational culture.
    A Way Forward—Action
    Actions needed to improve employees’ job satisfaction levels include
    increasing their pay to ensure they are receiving competitive compensation and
    introducing training programs that will equip them with the skills they need to handle
    work-related tasks (Singh, 2023). Stakeholders that should implement the proposed
    actions include the company’s management and the human resource teams. Specifically,
    management should seek the financing needed to improve employees’ pay through equity
    or debt financing, and the HR team should implement the training programs. Improving
    employees’ pay is necessary since, over the past four years, the percentage of employees
    who felt their pay was equal to or more than the industry average decreased significantly.
    Additionally, fewer employees felt that their jobs made good use of their skills each year
    over the past four years. Thus, the implementation of the proposed actions will have a
    desirable impact on employees’ job satisfaction levels.
    Secondly, an actionable step that needs to be taken to increase the
    percentage of employees who feel their excellent performance is being recognized and
    praised encompasses adopting a new company policy that would require those in
    management positions to recognize the effort of the best-performing employees.
    Additionally, thresholds should be set to help identify the best-performing employees.
    Stakeholders who should be involved in implementing the proposed actions are the
    company’s management team. All the actions will boost morale and ensure employees
    strive to be the best (Gomathy, 2022).
    Thirdly, actionable steps that should be implemented to increase the
    percentage of employees who feel their excellent performance is being recognized and
    rewarded by the company include the adoption of a new reward system and the setting of
    a threshold for indicating good performance. The stakeholder responsible for
    implementing these actions is the company’s management team. The implementation of
    the actions will motivate employees to give their best because their efforts will be
    recognized and rewarded (Gomathy, 2022).
    Collins, D. (2021). Redeeming organizational culture. Rethinking Organizational
    Culture, 55–74. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003174431-6
    Gomathy, Dr. C. (2022). The strategies for boosting employee morale in an organization.
    International Journal Of Scientific Research In Engineering And Management,
    06(02). https://doi.org/10.55041/ijsrem11554
    Singh, A. (2023). Impact of training and development as a vital instrument for boosting
    morale and productivity among young employees. International Journal of
    Management, Public Policy and Research, 2(4), 11–17.
    MBA 530 Module Six Assignment
    Personal Development Plan Template
    Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.
    First and Last Name: Yusef L. Robinson
    Date: 30 June 2024
    Goal Description: To improve my ability to inspire a shared vision, aiming to become a more
    effective leader by engaging and motivating my team towards a common goal. The objectives
    include enhancing communication skills to clearly articulate the vision, implementing strategies
    to keep the team motivated, and regularly seeking feedback to adjust and refine the vision as
    Leadership Competency: Inspiring a shared vision
    S: Specific
    What do I plan to
    accomplish? What
    do I plan to
    achieve? What is
    the reason for this
    goal? Why is it
    Example: Ensure a
    development plan,
    jointly developed
    with all
    of my
    direct reports.
    M: Measurable
    What metric(s) will
    determine if you
    meet the goal? If
    more than one
    included, provide
    the metric that will
    be used to measure
    To this effect, I will craft for my team an inspiring
    vision that makes every member understand it so
    that he or she gets motivated to contribute toward
    its attainment. This is accomplished through
    formulating a vision statement that is both overly
    ambitious and achievable, denoting our collective
    goals and aspirations. Further on, I will put together
    a well-defined communication approach aimed at
    transmitting this idea through various channels such
    as meetings, emails, or one-on-ones. In terms of
    importance, this objective has potential for unifying
    the direction of the group hence fostering
    purposefulness as well as alignment with
    organizational goals. A properly conveyed mission
    outlines expectations while also providing insights
    into future progress thus stimulating ambition among
    Several key metrics will be used to gauge progress.
    First; survey results from team members on clarity
    and comprehensiveness communicated through it
    would indicate how well they have understood and
    aligned themselves with it will be important
    indicators in evaluating whether we have achieved
    our aim of communicating our vision effectively.
    Moreover, regular pulse surveys can be employed to
    measure levels of employee engagement and
    motivation in relation to morale within teams while
    gauging their commitment towards realizing the
    objectives stated in the mission statement.
    Additionally, hitting milestone targets that are
    correlated with overall aim set by the staff will prove
    A: Achievable
    tools and
    skills do I need to
    achieve the goal?
    Who needs to be
    involved for me to
    successful? What is
    my motivation for
    wanting to achieve
    this goal?
    R: Relevant
    How is this goal
    linked to an overall
    business objective?
    How will this goal
    improve my overall
    T: Time Bound
    deliverable(s) with
    success objectively; project completion rates along
    with performance appraisals suggest whether its
    effectiveness has led to any outcomes whatsoever.
    These measures are essential in getting an all-round
    view about how effectively communicated; received
    let alone carried out within their being.
    I need to increase my communication skills if am
    going to achieve this goal. Specifically, I need to
    improve my public speaking, persuasive writing and
    active listening skills. Furthermore, I need to acquire
    knowledge on how to motivate others; one of the
    ways is through building intrinsic motivation and
    keeping the team motivated over time. This
    improvement will be supported by having feedback
    surveys and other communication platforms such as
    Slack or Microsoft Teams as well as management
    software for the projects done. Key stakeholders that
    will contribute to my success include members of my
    team who will provide feedback and engagement, a
    mentor or coach who can guide and advise me as well
    as attend leadership workshops/trainings so that
    they could enhance my skills further in this field. My
    wish is to become a more effective leader because it
    would not only increase job satisfaction in which
    increased productivity occurs but also lead to overall
    organizational success.
    This goal aligns with the broader business objective
    of improving team performance and achieving
    strategic objectives. In order words – a shared vision
    which inspires all members leading to productive and
    efficient teamwork forming environments is
    necessary thus propelling us towards meeting our set
    targets within different companies’ departments
    respectively. Ultimately, this aim will boost my ability
    in leadership since I would have enhanced my
    communication skills, being able to motivate others
    while at the same time creating oneness of purpose
    among them. These qualities are indispensable for
    any person in power and would enable me to
    perform better on an overall basis while giving
    guidance to subordinates confidently thereby
    achieving results consistently through innovations
    made by coming up with sustainable achievements
    every step of the way.
    Tangible deliverables include developing a clear and
    comprehensive vision statement by July 15, 2024,
    due dates if more
    than one milestone
    is included. Provide
    the final due date
    for completion of
    this development
    facilitating a team meeting to communicate the
    vision and obtain some preliminary feedback by July
    30, 2024, and implementing motivational strategies
    to keep the team engaged and aligned with the vision
    by August 31, 2024, as well as conducting a follow-up
    survey to gauge team buy-in and make necessary
    refinements by September 30, 2024. The final due
    date for attainment of this development goal is
    October 31, 2024. By adhering to these milestones, I
    seek to guarantee that there is a systemic approach
    that has been structured towards realizing this
    objective including regular checkpoints that monitor
    progress and enable adjustments where necessary.

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