1. After examining several definitions and explanations, explain what ethics are and mean to you.
2. What is meant by “right” and “wrong?” Explain how you personally determine whether something is right or whether something is wrong. What are the influences that have affected how you understand right and wrong?
3. Discuss something that you believe is always right. Why do you believe it is always right? If you do not believe there is something that is always right, explain why.
4. Discuss something that you believe is always wrong. Why do you believe it is always wrong? If you do not believe there is something that is always wrong, then explain why.
5. Discuss something that falls in a “gray area” for you. What is an ethical dilemma? What is the ethical dilemma in your “gray area?” What are both sides of the issue that create the dilemma?
6. Explain why examining one’s own ethics is important before studying business ethics.
Because this is a personal essay, you should use first person (“I”) when telling about a personal situation like in #3 and #4. The rest of the essay should be in third person. Avoid you/your (second person) in this essay.
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