Module CodeModule Title
Module Credits
Work Experience with Personal development
Academic Year and
Examination Board
Level & Block
2023-24, 2nd Semester
July 2024
Level 5 Block 2
Method of Assessment
Term (Mid-term /End-term)
Module Leader
Module Leader email
Muna AL-Alawi
Additional Information (if any)
Assessment Details
Assessment title
Reflective Report
Pass marks for undergraduate work is 40%, unless stated otherwise.
Task/assessment brief:
You are required to prepare a 1,400 words reflective report based on the training you did for this
module. Write about the company that you did training in. Prepare a reflective report on that
experience with the following key points:
Your report should reflect the knowledge which you have gained from the training.
Reflective Report Structure
1. Background of the selected company– (100 words)
This should include the following:
Brief description of the company: Name of Company, Nature of Company, Location, discussion of
the products and services, ONE strength and ONE weakness of the company.
2. Expectations from the job placement – (600 words)
During the training period in the company imagine you will join it, write your expectations on
the following:
a. The section/department/Centre you will be appointed, name the position (based on your
area of specialisation)
b. Prepare an organisational chart of the department/centre, you will work and highlight
your role.
c. Describe the expected nature of job and/or role and discuss how you will add value to the
d. Describe activities related to your expected assigned task
3. Reflection on the Job Skills – (600 words)
a) Use SWOT Analysis model of writing reflective report as per your interest and apply the
selected model of the experience of the Training.
b) Identify Three career-specific soft skills that you feel you need to develop. Discuss how you
will develop these skills to match your expected job.
4. Conclusion and Recommendation – (100 words)
Give a good conclusion of your reflective report and ONE point of recommendation.
5. References
The list of references used in Harvard style (Minimum of 6 and maximum of 10)
Appendices (necessary) – not part of the word count (hard copies only)
Work Placement Evaluation – Properly filled-in by the Training Provider with signature of
the Authority.
b. Weekly Timesheet with Reflective Log – specifying the total training hours with signature of
immediate superior from the work placement provider. Indication of the progression of
experiences through the duties or work assignment.
c. Certificate of Training Completion – can be secured from the work placement provider.
Additional instructions:
1. Use proper report style format, with headings and sub-headings. The font type must be
either Arial or Times New Roman with a font size 12 and with 1.5-line spacing. Justify the
alignment. It should be a Microsoft Word Document based on required format.
2. Before the final submission of the reflective writing, it has to be subjected to Turnitin checks
for a similarity index not higher than 10%.
Word count (or equivalent):
1400 words
This is a reflection of the effort required for the assessment. Word counts will normally include any
text, tables, calculations, figures, subtitles and citations. Reference lists and contents of appendices
are excluded from the word count. Contents of appendices are not usually considered when
determining your final assessment grade.
Academic or technical terms explained:
Submission Details
End – 30 May 2024
Return Date
After the result
announcement (10
working days) – July
2024 EB
9:00 PM
Any assessments submitted after the deadline will not be marked and will be
recorded as a non-attempt unless you have had an extension request agreed or
have approved mitigating circumstances. See the Gulf College website for more
information on submission details and mitigating circumstances.
File Format:
The assessment must be submitted as a word document and submit through the
Turnitin submission point.
Your assessment should be titled with your:
Student ID number, Module code and Assessment ID,
e.g. 1610200 GRM5032 WRIT1
Feedback for the assessment will be provided electronically via Turnitin / MS
Teams / Face to Face. Feedback will be provided with comments on your
strengths and the areas which you can improve. Module tutors give students two
types of assessment feedback: formative, which is given when the student is
working on the completion of an assignment or coursework, and summative,
which is given upon completion of the module. A comprehensive assessment
feedback on your performance will be given after the announcement of the
results. (10 Working Days)
Assessment Criteria
Learning outcomes assessed
On successful completion of the module, a student should be able to:
1. Analyse the organisation’s structure, determining strengths and weaknesses and
reflectingupon the application of theory to work-based projects.
2. Evaluate their personal contribution to the organisation via the completion of a
project orprimary research.
3. Describe the skills gained through the work placement and their transferability to
other employment, their programme of study and life situations. Demonstrate both
the process and outcomes of reflection through the use of a reflective log and produce
a report reflecting uponthe completion of a project or primary research which also
enables demonstration of the learning which has taken place throughout the work
4. Articulate, through a presentation and practice application, research undertaken into
the requirements of a specific career path and evidence of current strengths,
development areas and plans in relation to graduate skills, attributes, and work
In addition, the assessment will test the following learning outcome:
Analyse the organisation’s structure, determining strengths and weaknesses and reflecting
upon the application of theory to work based projects;
Evaluate their personal contribution to the organisation via the completion of a project or
primary research.
Describe the skills gained through the work placement and their transferability to other
employment, their programme of study and life situations. Demonstrate both the process
and outcomes of reflection through the use of a reflective log and produce a report reflecting
upon the completion of a project or primary research which also enables demonstration of
the learning which has taken place throughout the work experience.
Marking/Assessment Criteria
Background of the
Expectations from
the job placement
Reflection on the
Job Skills
Conclusion and
Conclusion and a recommendation point
Brief description of the company: Name of company,
nature of company, location, discussion of the products
and services, one strength and one weakness of the
a) The section/department/centre you will be
appointed, name the position (based on your
area of specialisation)
b) Prepare an organisational chart of the
department/centre, you will work and highlight
your role.
c) Describe the expected nature of job and/or role
and discuss how you will add value to the
d) Describe activities related to your expected
assigned task
a) Model of Reflective Cycle
b) Identify Three career-specific skills that you feel
you need to develop. Discuss how you will
develop these skills to match your expected job.
Highly evident appendices. Very appropriate,
sufficient, consistent and realistic documents are
submitted as Hard copy.