In this lab, you will review different websites and examine the way the sites are coded and which language is used. Additionally, you will identify the types of logic used in each.
For this lab, you will look at a few different websites and see how their code was constructed.
Review a few different websites in Chrome or Edge. To view the source code in Chrome, rightclick the page, and choose View Page Source. In Edge, press the F12 key to show the code.
(Or, you can click the Settings And More menu—the three horizontal dots in the upper-right
corner—and click F12 Developer Tools.) Some websites present themselves as more organized
than others when you view the source code, document which website you initial choose. You
will notice some similarities and differences between how the developers the websites.
Please note the following as you review websites to evaluate which programming language they
are built with:
● Complete Beginners Start Here: Getting Started with the Web –
● Structuring the Web with HTML –
● Learn to Style HTML with CSS –
● JavaScript: Dynamic Client-Side Scripting –
Submission requirements:
Answer each of these topics/steps with a written paragraph of 3-4 sentences.
Add an image (snip-it or screenshot) showing what you found
In what language is the page written?
What organizational techniques do you see?
Do you see any branching or looping logic?
Does the page use functions at all?
Which scripting languages are used on the home page?
Find a string of text. Can you find where that string is on the web page?
Can you find any instances of where a background color is set?