I need help with #4, #5, #6, #7 queries.

Requirements for all queries

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1. All questions should be answered with queries in your database. Other types of answers are not


2. Create all the queries using query design, and name each query as suggested below. Make sure

you save the complete, final version of all queries for submission.

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3. You can create select queries, update queries and crosstab queries as needed. No other query

types will be needed or acceptable.

4. The queries should only do what each question asks, or show necessary results to answer the

questions. Do not expect other users (like me) to find the relevant information from a broad and

general query result.


1. Pull out all the textbooks authored by Baltzan (last name). Show the books with book title, ISBN,

Edition, and publish year. Save and name the query 1 Baltzans Books. (5 pts)

2. Your company needs to contact the 1st author of each textbook and to discuss reprint options.

Pull out the 1st author for all the books. Please note that the order of authors has been marked

as integer values 1, 2, 3, etc. in the field Auth_Order in the AuthorshipLog table. The query result

should show the following information in the given order: Book title, 1st author’s last name, 1st

author’s email, and 1

st author’s phone. Save and name the query 2 First Author Contacts.

(6 pts)

3. Pull out all authors who participate in writing textbooks with title starting with the words

“Business Driven” (there could different other texts in the title). The query resultshould show

the full book title, author last name, and author email. Save and name the query 3 Business

Driven Books. (6 pts)

4. a) In the Textbooks table, add one field at the end and name it Expected_Profit. This field should

be a currency data type that holds 2 decimal places. Save and close this table. b) Use a query to

calculate expected profits and to show the values in the Textbooks table. The expected profit of

a book should be calculated as Print_QTY * (List_Price – Unit_Cost). Save and name the query 4

Expected Profits. (6 pts)

5. This query requiresthe completion of Q4. Use a query and show a grand total of expected

profits by subjects. Save and name the query 5 Subject Profits. (6 pts)

6. This query requires the completion of Q4. a) In the AuthorshipLog table, add a field at the end

and name it Expected_Compensation. This field should be a currency data type that holds 2

decimal places. Save and close this table. b) Use a query to calculate expected compensation for

each authorship record. Expected compensation should be calculated using compensation_PCT

* expected_profit of the book. The query should also fill the resulting values into the newly

created field in the AuthorshipLog table. Save and name the query 6 Expected Compensations.

(6 pts)

7. Create a query that shows the total of Expected Compensations by authors (last name) in the

columns and textbooks (title) in the rows. Save and name the query 7 Compensations by

Authors and Books. (5 pts)

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