Database Design

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Appendix 1: Copies of manual records held so far

Owner details:
First name: Emilio Surname: Ramirez
Address: 43 Rashgill Road
DG12 9FS
Telephone number: 01576 321905

Pet details:
Name: Harif Dog/Cat: DOG – Male
Breed: Cockerspaniel Vet:

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Christina White

Kennel Cough/Cat Flu Last Vaccine Date: 31/03/2010

Pet details:
Name: Sophia Dog/Cat: CAT – Male
Breed: Non-Specific Vet: Christina White
Kennel Cough/Cat Flu Last Vaccine Date: 31/03/2010

Owner details:
First name: Janette Surname: Sparks
Address: 53 Wellington Avenue
Telephone number: 01387 253986

Pet details:
Name: Misty Dog/Cat: DOG – Female
Breed: Non-Specific Vet:

Javier Fuentes

Kennel Cough/Cat Flu Last Vaccine Date: 07/07/2010

Task 1: Appendix 2: Vet details

Vet’s Name

Neil King

Veterinary Practice Name and Address

Kings Small Pets Service
Dumfries Road

Telephone Number

01337 457982

Vet’s Name

Veterinary Practice Name and Address

Telephone Number

Christina White

George Street Vets
85 George Street

01387 234156

Vet’s Name

Veterinary Practice Name and Address

Telephone Number

James Grierson

Lockerbie Vets Practice
School Road

DG12 4XX

01576 982011

Vet’s Name

Veterinary Practice Name and Address

Telephone Number

Marissa Khalim

Moffat Small Pets Practice
Ballgreen Road

DG11 6DJ

01886 753210

Vet’s Name

Veterinary Practice Name and Address

Telephone Number

Javier Fuentes

Barony Vets
Barony Avenue

01387 734222

Task: Using the information from the records on page 1 and 2

a. Design and create a relational database, and explain what the relevant entries are and how you assigned attributes to them:

*Draw 3 tables, one for customer details, one for pet details, and one for vet details, tables should have FIELD NAME – DATA TYPE – SIZE.*

The tables should include:

· valid data field names

· data types of one occurrence of date/time, number, text and currency

· customised field sizes appropriate to field content

· primary and foreign keys

· referential integrity rules applied

Draw tables here:

b. Explain what the primary key is for each entity:

c. Explain how you established relationships and relationship rules between the entities:

and produce an Entity-Relationship Model to demonstrate the relationship: (Fill in the boxes)


Produce evidence on how you added foreign key/s to the relevant entity/entities to enable the relationship to be established:


Explain how you determined referential integrity for each entity and justified your selection. Within your selection you must have at least one occurrence of cascade update and one occurrence of cascade delete. They may be selected separately or together:

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