: Comply with the required conditions and be of your own words
IT352 – Human Computer Interaction
Discussion Board
Total Marks Allotted: 4 Marks
Due Date: 14th, February 2024
In this discussion board, you will post your answer to the question to make you aware of the
concept of human computer interaction. You will also read and respond to one of your
classmate’s postings. This is an excellent way for you to interact with your colleagues and share
your thoughts about their answers in a critical way.
Discussion topic details
Find an everyday handheld device, for example, a remote control, digital camera, or
smartphone and examine how it has been designed, paying particular attention to how the user
is meant to interact with it.
Based on your reading of the first chapter, compile a set of usability and user experience goals
that you think will be most relevant in evaluating the device. Decide which are the most
important ones and explain why.
Submission Instructions
Share your thoughts, examples, insights, and discussions related to this topic on the
Ensure you contribute a minimum of ONE original post and provide feedback on TWO
posts shared by your classmates.
Marking Criteria
For your Original Post: 3
For your two responses: 1 [0.5 +0.5] (for meaningful feedback to at least two classmates)
Important notice
Please note that any copy and paste from the Internet leads to zero marks.
Please remember to provide constructive feedback, share your insights, and respect
different perspectives.
Post your answer and your comments on your classmates on or before 14/2/2024 @
11:59 PM.