This program needs to be completed using LC3 into a single .asm file.Brainfry
The objective of this assignment is to put into practice the learnt assembly concepts and problem- solving skills in order to decompose and implement a complex task (by the standards of assembly programming) while testing your ingenuity. You will be implementing a compiler for an eso- teric programming language called Brainfry (reminiscent of a similar, not-so-appropriately-named language).
Brainfry is an esoteric programming language that uses a small set of simple commands to manipulate a virtual “tape” of memory cells. The tape is represented as an array of memory cells, each of which can hold a single data byte. The commands in Brainfry manipulate the tape by moving the “tape head” (which is a pointer to the current memory cell) left or right, incrementing or decrementing the value of the current memory cell, and accepting or outputting the value of the current memory cell.
The commands in Brainfry are:• >: move the tape head to the right.• <: move the tape head to the left.• +: increment the value of the current memory cell.• -: decrement the value of the current memory cell.• .: output the value of the current memory cell as an ASCII character.• ,: input a value from the user and store it in the current memory cell.• [: if the value of the current memory cell is 0, jump to the corresponding ] command.• ]: if the value of the current memory cell is not 0, jump to the corresponding [ command.All other input characters are ignored. The program written in Brainfry is executed by an interpreter that reads the commands one by one and executes them to manipulate the (contents on the) tape.
Constraints and simplifications
Usually, Brainfry’s tape is 65k (65,000) elements long. However, to accommodate the limitations of LC3, your tape does not have to be longer than 5k, and it’s guaranteed that the programs that we submit to your compiler will not go into negative tape indexes.
Additionally, a normal Brainfry program would stop when it reads the EOF (End of File) symbol, however, to simplify this, we have decided to add a ~ character to symbolise “End of Program”. What follows after this symbol is the input to the Brainfry program. Note that all programs are built to read deterministic code.
Furthermore, for this assignment, all memory has been set to 0; you do not need to preset it.Examples:Input1:
+>> This code runs at pointer offset two and unknown bit width; don’t assume you have more that eight bits ======= DEMO CODE ======= First just print “Hello” Notice that I reset the cells despite knowing that they are zero this is a test for proper functioning of the ability to skip over a loop that’s never executed but isn’t actually a comment loop Secondly there’s a NOP movement between the two ‘l’ characters Also there’s some commented out code afterwards >[-]<[-]++++++++[->+++++++++<]>.—-[–<+++>]<-.+++++++.><.+++. [-][[-]>[-]+++++++++[<+++++>-]<+...--------------.>++++++++++[<+ ++++>-]<.+++.-------.>+++++++++[<----->-]<.-.>++++++++[<+++++++> -]<++.-----------.--.-----------.+++++++.----.++++++++++++++.>++ ++++++++[<----->-]<..[-]++++++++++.[-]+++++++[.,]-] ===== END DEMO CODE =====<<-~
Loaded program in memory+>> This code runs at pointer offset two and unknown bit width; don’t assume you have more that eight bits ======= DEMO CODE ======= First just print “Hello” Notice that I reset the cells despite knowing that they are zero this is a test for proper functioning of the ability to skip over a loop that’s never executed but isn’t actually a comment loop Secondly there’s a NOP movement between the two ‘l’ characters Also there’s some commented out code afterwards >[-]<[-]++++++++[->+++++++++<]>.—-[–<+++>]<-.+++++++.><.+++. [-][[-]>[-]+++++++++[<+++++>-]<+...--------------.>++++++++++[<+ ++++>-]<.+++.-------.>+++++++++[<----->-]<.-.>++++++++[<+++++++> -]<++.-----------.--.-----------.+++++++.----.++++++++++++++.>++ ++++++++[<----->-]<..[-]++++++++++.[-]+++++++[.,]-] ===== END DEMO CODE =====<<-~Hello===HALT detected
++++++++[>+>++++<<-]>++>>+<[-[>>+<<-]+>>]>+[ –<<<[ ->[+[-]+>++>>>-<<]<[<]>>++++++[<<+++++>>-]+<<++.[-]<< ]>.>+[>>]>+]~
Loaded program in memory++++++++[>+>++++<<-]>++>>+<[-[>>+<<-]+>>]>+[ –<<<[ ->[+[-]+>++>>>-<<]<[<]>>++++++[<<+++++>>-]+<<++.[-]<< ]>.>+[>>]>+]~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *===HALT detected
I have a zip folder of all the inputs and expected outputs.
Computer Architecture
Homework 7
Deadline: January 29, 2024 at 23:59
The objective of this assignment is to put into practice the learnt assembly concepts and problemsolving skills in order to decompose and implement a complex task (by the standards of assembly
programming) while testing your ingenuity. You will be implementing a compiler for an esoteric programming language called Brainfry (reminiscent of a similar, not-so-appropriately-named
Before you continue reading
If you have any problems with Themis compilation/runtime errors (all test cases are openly visible),
please send an email to the helpdesk as soon as possible.
Brainfry is an esoteric programming language that uses a small set of simple commands to manipulate
a virtual “tape” of memory cells. The tape is represented as an array of memory cells, each of which
can hold a single data byte. The commands in Brainfry manipulate the tape by moving the “tape
head” (which is a pointer to the current memory cell) left or right, incrementing or decrementing the
value of the current memory cell, and accepting or outputting the value of the current memory cell.
The commands in Brainfry are:
• >: move the tape head to the right.
• ++
This is also a comment but
The instruction above got executed
You can now look at the second memory register, and you should see the value 0 (x0000) in there.
Constraints and simplifications
Usually, Brainfry’s tape is 65k (65,000) elements long. However, to accommodate the limitations of
LC3, your tape does not have to be longer than 5k, and it’s guaranteed that the programs that we
submit to your compiler will not go into negative tape indexes.
Additionally, a normal Brainfry program would stop when it reads the EOF (End of File) symbol,
however, to simplify this, we have decided to add a ~ character to symbolise “End of Program”.
What follows after this symbol is the input to the Brainfry program. Note that all programs are
built to read deterministic code.
Furthermore, for this assignment, all memory has been set to 0; you do not need to preset it.
Aside from the programming part, you can also get up to two bonus points by writing a short (at
most 2 pages) report in LATEX that should contain the following sections:
• problem analysis;
• algorithm and program design;
• implementation choices.
Note that you cannot turn in a report without having attempted to do the programming part as
well. If your program does not pass all the test cases, be sure to include in your report what you
have tried, and where you suspect your program might be flawed.