Programming IIException Handling
In this exercise you will be practicing exception handling.
Remember Exception is generated whenever your application has been placed an abnormal state. There
is a huge performance penalty when an exception is thrown so you should only go into an exception
state as a last option.
You must follow the specifications exactly
In a console application, you will code six method for this lab and then call them individually from your
main method. The specifications are given below.
The following method is given:
static int Division(int top, int bottom) => top / bottom;
Description of methods
static void DivisionNoHandling()
//call the Division method with argument 1 and 0
//this will terminate your application
static void DivisionWithExceptionHandling()
//call the Division method with argument 1 and 0
//You will catch the exception and do nothing
//Your application should not crash
static void DivisionWithExceptionHandlingMoreInfo()
//call the Division method with argument 1 and 0
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Programming II
Exception Handling
//You will catch the exception and print the associated message
//your application should not crash
static void DivisionWithExceptionHandlingThrow()
//call the Division method with argument 1 and 0
//You will catch the exception and print the associated message
//You should create and throw a new exception
//your application will crash
static void GeneratingException()
//You should create and throw a new exception
//your application will crash
static void HandlingRandomException ()
//You should call the method below and catch all the possible exceptions
individually and display a sensible output
//your application will not crash
static void GeneratingRandomException()
int exceptionType = new Random().Next() % 7;
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Programming II
Exception Handling
case 0:
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
case 1:
throw new NullReferenceException();
case 2:
throw new InvalidOperationException();
case 3:
throw new ArithmeticException();
case 4:
throw new FormatException();
case 5:
throw new InvalidCastException();
case 6:
throw new OutOfMemoryException();
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