Access 2019 In Practice – Ch 4 Independent Project 4-4

Open the AmericanRiver-04 database start file.
The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor. Enable content in the database.

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Create a form using the Form button. Select the RaceResults table and create a new form using the Form button. Your form should look similar to Figure 4-146, although the layout may be different depending on the size of the Access window when you created the form. Save the form as ViewRaceResults.

Edit the form in Layout view. Change the wording of the RaceResults label to read Member Race Results. Be careful to enter a space between each word. Change the Width of the label to 2.4″. Change the Width of the RaceID text box to be 1″. Remember that all the fields in this column change to the new width.

Add two rows below the AgeGroup field. Change the Height of the bottom row to .4″. Move the control layout down about ½″ and to the right about 1″ as shown in Figure 4-147. Add the date to the form. Choose the DD-Mon-YY format. If necessary, deselect the Include Time check box so that only the date is added. Select the Auto_Date control in the header and change the width of the Auto_Date control to 1″.Change the Left property of the Auto_Date control to 4.75″
. The form should be similar to Figure 4-147, although you have not yet added the button.

Add a button to the form. Add a command button into the right-most cell in the second added row. The button should close the form [Form Operations category]. Choose the Text radio button and use the suggested wording. Save the button as ViewFormCloseButton.

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Edit the form properties to limit user edits and deletions. Set the Data Entry, Allow Additions, Allow Deletions, and Allow Edits properties to No in the Property Sheet of the form. Close the Property Sheet. Save the form. Switch to Form view. The complete form should look similar to Figure 4-147. Use the navigation buttons to move among records. Close the form.

Create a report using the Blank Report button. Add all the fields from the Members table. The report should look similar to Figure 4-148. Add grouping into the report. Group the report on the City field. Save the report as ClubMembers. Modify the layout of the report.

Select the Page Setup tab.Select the Report Layout Tools Page Setup tab. Click Margins [Page Size group] and select Normal. Change the page layout to Landscape. Notice the light gray, vertical, dashed line to the left of the cell phone field. This indicates that the cell phone column does not fit on the same page as the other fields.

Change the Width of the Member ID column to .8″. Change the Width of the Address column to 1.7″. Change the Width of the State and ZIP columns to .5″. Change the Width of the Email column to 2″. Close the Property Sheet. Add a title to the report and enter List of Club Members as the title text. Add page numbers to the bottom of the report. Use the Page N of M format and Center the alignment. Save the changes made to the report.

View the report in Print Preview. Adjust the zoom to One Page. The report should look similar to Figure 4-149. Close Print Preview. Close the report. Close the database. Upload and save your project file.

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