Need an Andriod project with IOS navigation and interface design

Create a android project called ContractorCalculator with iOS navigation and interface design

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The view controller layout should contain two text fields, one button, and eight labels (Figure 10.27).


  • Tax
  • Total:


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    The Calculate button should add the labor and material costs from Figure 10.27 ContractorCalculator the textfields and put the result in the label next to Sub total. Lax should be calculated using a 5% rate (use a constant) and displayed in the label next to Tax. The tax and subtotal should be added together and displayed in the  label next to Total.


  • Microsoft Word document contains screenshots of the app design and testing as a complete working application. Also include  copy of the content of your XML file and Java file.
  • Zipped copy of the source code, so I can import it Android Studio and run it.

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