Pixel Manipulation Programming Code Worksheet

SM2715 Creative CodingThis is a runner duck sketch. The sketch of the duck above mimics the motion of escaping from
its predators in the wild which is common place for this particular species. Moreover, the duck is
also at the same time quaking in order to scare way the predator.
Raising ducks is simple and beneficial for many reasons. One of the most practical and adaptable
household birds is the duck. Ducks are a superb option for those who want to consume birds for
their meat. They don’t need fancy enclosures or a lot of attention. Ducks may get most of their
nutrition from natural sources since they are skilled foragers. The family duck flock may help out
in the garden as well. They’re useful for managing pests, including grasshoppers, snails, slugs,
potato beetles, and Japanese beetle larvae, in addition to providing high-nitrogen fertilizer. For
example, the Runner and Campbell ducks may lay more than 275 eggs each year, making them
ideal for egg production. While somewhat bigger than chicken eggs, duck eggs may be
substituted instead of their chicken counterparts in any recipe that calls for eggs. Ducks are hardy
creatures that can withstand extremes of temperature and humidity.
City University of Hong Kong
School of Creative Media
SM2715 Creative Coding
Semester B 2022/23
Assignment 1 (25%)
Create an interactive sketch with a “pixel-level” image processing
technique (pixel manipulation).
Use keyboard and/or mouse as input to achieve interactivity.
By pixel level, you may need to use the (nested) for-loop structure
to visit every pixel and manipulate its color and/or position.
You might apply pixel-level image processing to individual frames of
a video or streamed from a webcam. But video processing is optional.
You are encouraged to create a sketch from scratch. A simple
modification of an in-class example will lead to a low grade. A very
straightforward combination of in-class examples will not help you
get a good grade either. You are not encouraged to look for many
examples from the Internet. A simple modification of an online
example (with proper in-code citation(s) and reference(s)) is even
worse than a simple modification of an in-class example.
Grading policy: originality, idea/concept, aesthetic quality, quality
of code including explanatory notes (comments: explain how your code
works; in-code citations).
Please also submit a document (in doc or PDF), including
1. a brief description of your sketch that explains what the
sketch does and how. You may also include the artistic concept
and inspiration in the description;
2. images such as screen captures of the sketch to visually show
the expected outcomes; and
3. references (including in-class examples/exercises or your
previous assignments, or other’s code you take as reference).
Due: Submit a zip file of the sketch folder (containing .pde files
and data folder if any) and the document to CANVAS by 23:59, 27
February 2023, Monday.
IMPORTANT!! Academic Honesty
Use comment // or /* */ to cite the source if your sketch is
developed based on other people’s code, in-class examples/exercises,
or your previous works.
More specifically, if your assignment is based on any code from inclass examples/exercises, your previous assignments/works, or others,

Include in-code citations, i.e., use comments in your code to
indicate which part is yours or from others (more like in-text
citations for a written essay).

State the source of reference example(s) (e.g.,“week 6 example
6”) in the references of your written document.
It is an individual assignment. Do not work with others.

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