Course Code: M251Course Title: Object Oriented Programming Using Java
Tutor Marked Assignment
Cut-Off Date: TBA
Total Marks: 90
This TMA covers the first 7 sessions of M251. It is required to do the following:
Create a Java project using your IDE and name it using your name and your student ID
Implement all the required classes in the default package
Create a Word file contains the following:
o Answer of the given questions
o A copy (not a snapshot) of the code of each class
o A complete snapshot of the output
o If part of the code does not work, try to explain your idea
o The header of each page should contain your name and your student ID
• On LMS page of M251, there are 2 links and you should submit 2 files (one file per link):
o The Word file you created
o A compressed file contains the folder of your Java project
Plagiarism Warning:
As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and
avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection.
You must provide all references in case you use and quote another person’s work in your TMA.
You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU’s rules and regulations.
Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with TMA
I hereby declare that this submitted TMA work is a result of my own efforts and I have not
plagiarized any other person’s work. I have provided all references of information that I have
used and quoted in my TMA work.
Name of Student:
A car rental company wants to make a simple application to keep track of cars and customers.
In this TMA, it is required to help the head of the company implement the required application.
After a quick meeting with the head of the company, you got the following information:
• It is required to store all cars in one collection and all rent transactions happened in another
• It is allowed to rent any car for only one day.
• Each car has a unique number plate, brand, rental rate, and other attributes (add at least 3
attributes from your choice).
• Each customer has a unique Civil ID, a name, and other attributes (add at least 2 attributes
from your choice).
• For each rent transaction, it is required to store car, customer, and the date of rent.
• For each date, it is required to store only day, month and year. Do not use the built-in
classes for Date.
Moreover, you have been informed that the following operations happen frequently:
• Buying a new car and adding it to the application
• Renting a specific car to a specific customer in a specific date. It is not allowed to rent the
same car twice in the same day.
• Displaying the car that has been rent the maximum number of times.
• Saving all cars and rent transactions into a text file.
For cars, they should be sorted in ascending order (according to the plateNo)
Q1: What is the relation between Car and Transaction? Explain your answer.
Q2: Draw a simple class diagram showing only relationships between all classes.
After analysing the given requirements, implement the required application:
• with Object Oriented Programming style
• following the rules of good programming style (e.g. adding comments, etc.)
• using only the material covered in M251 (and its prerequisites)
• For each class, it is required to implement constructors, setters, getters, toString() method,
and any other necessary method
• If the user tries to do an operation that could violate the state of objects, the operation
should be ignored and the application should display an error message (e.g. renting the
same car twice in the same day, etc.)
• Checking equality of any 2 objects should be done via the equals() method
• There is a class that will do the main job of as follows:
o It has a collection to store the cars and another one to store the rent transactions
o It has static methods, one for each operation happens frequently
o For each adding or renting operation, a message should be displayed to the user to
explain the status of the operation (i.e. if it was successful or not)
After implementing the required classes, design and implement a testing class to test them as
• Create at least 4 cars, 3 customers and 6 rent transactions.
• Try to violate the state of the objects and show that your code prevents all violations.
• Show that the other operations that happen frequently are working fine
• At the end, the whole data should be saved into a text file and this file should be saved
automatically inside the folder contains your Java project
Marks distribution:
23 marks for the essential classes
14 marks for the class represents Car
36 marks for the class that stores the whole data
9 marks for the testing class
3 marks for following the given instructions
5 marks for answering the two questions
Important notes on penalties:
Penalty on late submission: 10% per day
Penalty for not including the Java project: 50% of the achieved mark.
Penalty for not including the Word file: 50% of the achieved mark (after deducting any mark
related to the Word file).
Penalty for not putting copy (not a snapshot) of the Java code into the Word file: 50% of the
achieved mark.
Penalty on similarity percentage: according to AOU rules.
End of Assessment